Nanne Buurman
Performing Authorship in Curating. Zum Verhältnis von Ausstellen, Autorschaft und Gender in der zeitgenössischen kuratorischen Praxis
PhD Candidate
12165 Berlin
Nanne Buurman is an art mediator, curator, and scholar.
She holds an M.A. in Cultural Studies/American Studies and a State Certificate (M.A. equivalent) in Art Education/English Teaching from Leipzig University, where she has also taught as an adjunct lecturer. Since October 2012 Buurman has been a doctoral candidate in the International Research Training Group 'Interart Studies' at Free University in Berlin. Within this programme, she was awarded a scholarship from the German Research Association (DFG) to pursue her dissertation. Entitled Performing Authorship in Curating, the project explores the interface of exhibiting, authorship, and gender. In 2013, Buurman spent the summer term as a visiting associate researcher at Goldsmiths College in London.
In addition to her academic commitments, she has worked for a number of art institutions, including documenta 12 (Kassel) and EIGEN+ART (Leipzig). Furthermore, assuming various authorial positions, Buurman was involved in numerous formats of cultural production, such as the art mediation project Arbeitslose als Avantgarde/The Unemployed as an Avantgarde (documenta 12 Kassel 2007), the exhibitions Welcome to the Ivory Tower! (Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, 2008), Facing the Eye (Independent Art Space D21 Leipzig, 2009), Featuring/Featuring (Gallery of Contemporary Art GfZK Leipzig, 2010), and recently the seminar Mediating Mediating (Leipzig University, 2012/13) as well as the catalogues Jack in the Box (2012) and Catalogue Raisonné (Clichés) (Spector Books, forthcoming 2013).
Performing Authorship in Curating (Working Title)
Since the so-called curatorial turn in the 1990s, curators of art exhibitions often receive more attention than the featured artists. With its focus on singular autonomous figures, the widespread notion of the 'curator as an artist' reproduces modernist conceptions of authorship unsuitable to account for the specific mediality of exhibitions. I assume that curatorial formats bear distinctive potentials to call into question ideas of intentional control, heroic myths of creation, and supposedly neutral display. Therefore, my research investigates the modes in which these potentialities become manifest in the field of curating. Informed by gender-studies approaches and debates on cultural agency, the aim of my dissertation is to explore how particularly relational conceptions of the curatorial may contribute to rethinking authorship in a way that acknowledges the complexities of cultural practices of meaning-making.
The project is supervised by Professor Dr. Klaus Krüger (Free University Berlin) and Professor Dr. Beatrice von Bismarck (Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig).
„Picknick im Palmenhain. Reflexion des Kunstvermittlungsprojekts Arbeitslose als Avantgarde" (mit Stefan Hurtig), in: Ayse Güleç, et al.: (Hgg.): KUNSTVERMITTLUNG 1. Arbeit mit dem Publikum, Öffnung der Institution. Formate und Methoden der Kunstvermittlung auf der documenta 12 (diaphanes) Berlin, 2009.
„Mediating Mediation. Kuratieren als kulturelle Praxis der Bedeutungsproduktion", Seminar am Institut für Kulturwissenschaften der Universität Leipzig, WiSe 2012/13.
„Hungry Eyes. Ambivalenzen der Sichtbarkeit in Stefan Hurtigs Arbeiten", Künstlertext in: Jack in the Box, Ausstellungskatalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung in der Halle 14, Leipzig, 2012.
„Eine Art Nichtwissen ist ein entscheidender Teil der eigenen Rolle", Emailinterview mit Beatrice von Bismarck, in: Welcome to the Ivory Tower!,Ausstellungskatalog, (Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst) Leipzig, 2010.
„Credits" & „Agentin für Bedeutungsproduktionen", Projektdokumentationen in: Montag Stiftung Bildende Kunst/ Beatrice von Bismarck (Hgg.): KUNST SICHTBARKEIT ÖKONOMIE, 4. Symposium der Serie „Heraus aus dem Elfenbeinturm“ (Verlag für moderne Kunst) Nürnberg, 2009.
„Hosting Significant Others. Autobiographies as Exhibitions of Co-Authority", Vortrag bei der Konferenz Hospitality. Hosting Relations in Exhibitions, ausgerichtet vom Studiengang Kulturen des Kuratorischen der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, 13-14. Dez. 2012 (Publikation erscheint im Frühjahr 2014 bei Sternberg Press).
„Curating the Self. Autobiographies as Exibitions of Authorship", Vortrag bei der Konferenz Reconfiguring Authorship, ausgerichtet vom Forschungsbereich Authorship as Performance der Universität Gent, 15.-18. Nov. 2012 (Publikation erscheint im Frühjahr 2014).
„Exhibiting the Exhibition. Self-Reflexive Curating at documenta 12", Vortrag bei der Konferenz Cultures of Curating: Curatorial Practices and the Production of Meaning, ausgerichtet von der Museums and Galleries History Group an der Lincoln University, 12.-13. Jul. 2012.
„Ausstellen Ausstellen. Die documenta 12 als Meta-Ausstellung", Vortrag bei der Konferenz Die Kunst Auszustellen, ausgerichtet vom Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Leipzig und dem wissenschaftlichen Fachbereich der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, 2.-4. Dez. 2011.