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World Literatures / WeltLiteraturen


Image Credit: Jannis Sterr

The series of publications of Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies at Freie Universität Berlin stand for internationally oriented literary studies that go beyond the exclusive focus on Western tradition and that turn toward the European, American, Arabic, African, and Asian literatures of the modern age, medieval times, and ancient times. The publication forum offers monographs and anthologies that present an exemplary achievement within their subject and, at the same time, venture beyond its boundaries into the philologies and literatures of the world. The goal is the integration of single disciplinary and comparative research involving adjacent discursive practices. Following Friedrich Schlegel’s example, the Graduate School is commited to do research of literary cultures from a universal-poetic perspective.

The series was first published by Akademie-Verlag, then was taken over by DeGruyter. Members and associates of Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School can order volumes at a discount of 50% [German]. Members of Freie Universität Berlin can also access the volumes free of charge as PDF downloads from the publisher’s website.

Here [German] is a complete overview of the published or announced volumes.

Advisory Council / International Board:

  • Ute Berns (Universität Hamburg)
  • Stefan Keppler-Tasaki (Universität Tokyo)
  • Renate Lachmann (Universität Konstanz)
  • Catriona MacLeod (University of Chicago)
  • Ken'ichi Mishima (Tokyo Keizai Universität)
  • Glenn W. Most (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa)
  • Janet A. Walker (Rutgers University)
  • Christy Wampole (Princeton University)
  • Christopher Young (University of Cambridge)

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Dahlem Research School
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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