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Workshop series for project scholars

The workshop series, specifically tailored for the "project scholarships" funding model, aims to offer concrete support and guidance on the journey toward completing the dissertation. It also aims to equip project scholars with the necessary skills for navigating the fellowship application process with funding institutions. This series provides detailed information on funding opportunities in Germany, along with coaching, presentation training, and forums for critically discussing one's exposé at various stages of its development.

Furthermore, the FSGS invites project scholars to participate in all Graduate School events and gatherings. This provides them with the opportunity to connect and network with fellow members, visiting scholars, associated postdocs, and alumni of the school.

End of May/June

Welcome and introduction event

At the end of May or early June, FSGS warmly welcomes the new project scholars. This gathering provides them with an opportunity to get acquainted with one another, while also allowing the Graduate School to introduce itself and outline the upcoming program

June - July


The WorldCafé event, centered around the theme "Paths to the Dissertation: Which Foundation is a Good Fit for Me?" is a public networking opportunity open to anyone interested in pursuing doctoral studies. This innovative event model aims to offer an overview of the diverse funding programs provided by German foundations, fostering dialogue between doctoral students and representatives from these foundations.

A review of past WorldCafés can be found here.


Exposé writing workshop Part 1

The exposé writing workshop is designed to ready project scholars for the application process with funding institutions and to help them craft their exposés effectively. The first session focuses on the key elements of a successful exposé, covering how to develop a central question and articulate the hypotheses or goals of a research project.

Summer party

FSGS cordially invites all colleagues and friends of FSGS to the annual summer party.

August - November

Exposé writing workshop Part 2 and Part 3

In the individual coaching sessions, the specific doctoral projects are addressed, and the development of the exposé is advanced with regard to concrete applications and requirements.

October / Beginning of the winter semester at FSGS

Presentations workshop

During the presentations workshop, project scholars receive practical tools to effectively present their dissertation projects with clarity, conciseness, and rhetorical foundation, preparing them for selection interviews.


The project scholars participate in the first year’s colloquium and discuss their research project in an interdisciplinary context.

Lunch Forum

The project scholars introduce themselves to FSGS members in the Lunch Forum.


Annual conference

All colleagues and friends of FSGS are cordially invited to our Annual Conference.


Winter party


End of semester

At the end of the scholarship period, the project scholars write final reports and reflect on their time at FSGS. Those who have successfully secured an external funding for their dissertation receive a PhD position at the Graduate School at the beginning of the following winter semester.

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Dahlem Research School
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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