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WorldCafé: Paths to the dissertation. Which foundation is a good fit for me?

Wege in die Promotion – Welche Stiftung passt zu mir?

Wege in die Promotion – Welche Stiftung passt zu mir?

The WorldCafé on the topic of “Paths to the dissertation. Which foundation is a good fit for me?“ is organized by Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies. The networking event is aimed at advanced master’s students and those interested in doctoral studies in the humanities who want to find out more about foundations and their doctoral sponsorship programs.

Participants should already have a concrete idea for their dissertation project. The WorldCafé’s dynamic workshop format provides a convivial atmosphere with coffee and cookies, and gives participants the opportunity to directly pose questions to foundation representatives. The goal of this innovative event model is to provide an overview of the various funding programs available from German foundations, and to start the dialog between doctoral students and foundation representatives.

Here [German] you’ll find information and photos of the previous WorldCafés.

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Dahlem Research School
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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