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Media Archaeology of Voice Mail

Thomas Y. Levin

Thomas Y. Levin
Image Credit: Privat

The Germanist and media scholar Thomas Y. Levin (Princeton University) has been closely connected to Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School since November 2010 through a Visiting Fellowship from the Einstein Foundation Berlin

In the printed Tagesspiegel of 06.12.2014 an article entitled Grüße aus dem Grammophon provides an outline of the project. Another report on the project was broadcasted by Radio Eins RBB on 03.01. 2015 (voice messages on shellac).

At FSGS, Cornelius Reiber supported the project for years and contributed to the world’s largest archive for phono post, making it a treasure trove of analyzed data. If you would like to find out more about the archive, please contact Mr. Reiber.

The project officially ended on December 31, 2014. We would like to thank the Einstein Foundation Berlin for their amazing support and the excellent cooperation. A short film was produced for the project’s conclusion:

A Media Archaeology of Voice Mail

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Dahlem Research School
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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