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Conferences and workshops

German(ic) in language contact: Grammatical and sociolinguistic dynamics
3-5 July 2019, Seminarzentrum, Freie Universität Berlin

More information

Education in postcolonial societies: The language dilemma
2 May 2019, 14.30 - 17.00, Seminarzentrum, Freie Universität Berlin

Guest lectures and discussion with Eric Mijts (Aruba) and Wannie Carstens (South Africa)

Organization: Niederländische Philologie

Contact: niedphil@zedat.fu-berlin.de

Exploraciones empíricas en la realidad plurilingüe de las Américas
28 May 2018, Seminarzentrum (Silberlaube), Room L 113

More information (Programme, Abstracts)

Szenarien europäischer Mehrsprachigkeit

November 9, 2017, TOPOI-Villa (Hittorfstraße 18)

Symposium introducting the new B.A. programme "Sprache & Gesellschaft"


Registration required: zeus@fu-berlin.de

Organizers: Horst Simon, Matthias Hüning, Truus De Wilde, Philipp Krämer, kindly supported by the Embassy of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.

Languages across the Iberian Peninsula
July 7, 2017. Holzlaube, room 2.2058


Contact: sparrinha -at- zedat.fu-berlin.de

Organizers: Uli Reich, Silvia Rodrigues Parrinha

"Die Lichtvolle Erkennung der Verschiedenheit" – a linguistic birthday party for Wilhelm von Humboldt
June 19, 2017. Senatssaal, Henry-Ford-Bau



Registration: humboldt -at- geisteswissenschaften.fu-berlin.de

Organizers: Uli Reich, Jan Fließbach

CLARe3 International Conference

06.- 08.03.2017
Fabeckstr. 23–25, "Holzlaube"
Raum 1.2009

Abstracts: www.clare-corpora.org

Please see the programme for further details.

The Sociolinguistic Economy of Berlin

September 30 – October 1, 2016

Workshop on Proper Names and Morphosyntax

November 5th - 6th, 2015

Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF) 2014

July 19th-23rd, 2014

Workshop on 'Germanic Genitives'

May 22th - 24th, 2014

The 20th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

August 26th - 29th, 2013

Address(ing) (Pro)Nouns - Sociolinguistics and Grammar of Terms of Address

May 30th - June 1th, 2013

Sociolinguistics Symposium 19 - Language And The City

August 22th - 24th, 2012

English in Asia's Languages Habitats and Europe's Asia competence

May 9th - 12th, 2012

Refining Grammaticalization

February 24th - 25th, 2012