Lilian Seuberling, M.A.

Lilian Seuberling holds an M.A. in Theatre and Media Studies and in Education Studies from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg, where she also studied Darstellendes Spiel. From 2010 to 2012, she took part in the interdisciplinary project The Meaning of Writing and Painting in Biography at Friedrich Alexander Universität, where she also taught in the department of Theatre and Media Studies.
Aesthetics between Performance Art and Applied Theatre and the analysis of the performativity of the subject amidst the competing priorities of culturality, historicity and sociality is a research focus for her. She examined some of these dynamics in her master’s thesis, focusing on discourses of health and disease.
Theatricality in its aesthetic and anthropological components, questions about the performativity of the body, sexuality and gender, witnessing, phenomena of resonance, as well as the use of the body of the theatrical scientist are further focus areas.
She has taken part in The Aesthetics of Applied Theatre project between December 2012 and December 2016 and has been working on a doctoral thesis about bodies and movement in therapy forms that make use of theatre as a tool with the title Embodied Relations.
From 2011 to 2015 she completed a training in Gestalt Therapy and Coaching and offers GestaltCoaching in Berlin.
Since 2009, Lilian has initiated and produced several plays, educational theatre pieces, and interactive performances at the Kunstpalais Erlangen, Fraunhofer Institute, Klinikum am Europakanal, among others.
- Seuberling, Lilian: "Rahmen wechsel dich! Die Un-Freiwilligkeiten der Übertragung", In: Warstat, Matthias, Evers, Florian, Flade, Kristin, Lempa, Fabian, id., editors. Applied Theatre – Rahmen und Positionen. Berlin: Theater der Zeit, 2017.
- Seuberling, Lilian, Warstat, Matthias, Evers, Florian, Flade, Kristin, Lempa, Fabian, editors. Applied Theatre – Rahmen und Positionen. Berlin: Theater der Zeit, 2017.
- Overview article about the research project, can be found at, 12.12.2013.
- “Die Zeit rennt!”, article published in “Gestalt Forum”, journal of the DVG (German association of Gestalt Therapy), No. 58, December 2014.
- "The Role of the Body in Processes of Transformation and Integration in Therapy Forms Using Elements of Theatre". Paper presented at the International Conference "Performance in/at the Public Sphere", June 1-4, 2013. Tangier, Morocco.
- "Zwischen Freiheit und Norm!? Theater in Therapie und Unternehmen", Workshop 22.2.2014, FU Berlin.
- „Body that matter's“. Vortrag auf dem deutschen Netzwerktreffen für Theatertherapie, 24.3.2014, Berlin.
- “Theaterspiel als methodisches Instrument zur Körperarbeit in der Therapie”. Poster presentation presented at the German Congress for Psychosomatic Medicine, 26.–29.3, 2014 Berlin, Germany.
- “Kommunikation der Sinne”. Paper presented at the Network Meeting of Dramatherapists, 24.3.2014, Berlin, Germany.
- “Kommunikation der Sinne- Die Bedeutung von Körper und Bewegung in theaternahen Therapie Formen”. Paper presented at the FH Ottersberg, 3.4.2014, Ottersberg, Germany.
- "Communication of the senses!? The role of body and movement in therapy forms applying theatrical elements", IFTR Conference (International Federation for Theatre Research), Warwick, UK, 28.7. - 1.8.2014.
- „Übertragung zwischen Spiel und Ernst", Presentation at Konferenz "Unfreiwillige Spiele – Zur Formung von Subjektivität in einer theatralen Gesellschaft“, Berlin, 3.-4.7.2015.
- „Subjectivity that matters?! - Kritik und Perspektiven einer erweiterten Aufführungsanalyse", 13. Congress of GTW "Theater als Kritik", Frankfurt/Gießen, 3.-6.11.2016.
- „Aufstellungsarbeit - verkörperte Relationen als multiple Resonanzsphären", Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 22.- 24.3.2017, Berlin.
- Lilian Seuberling, Erlangen, Nuremberg, Genua, theater studies, pedagogy, paedagogy, Datstellendes Spiel, performativity, subject, Gender, Gestalttherapie, education