Ph.D Course
Degree Awarded: Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Ph.D Course Committee
(= Supervisory Panel)
- Consists of two members
- One will be the primary advisor
- One possible member from partner universities
Reviewers and examiners in the Ph.D. course review process will be selected from this group.
- Individual support of the doctoral students for their PhD studies and dissertation.
- Participation in an interdisciplinary doctoral colloquium
- Additional events will be under the discretion of the doctoral student
Sequence of Events for Graduation
1. Application for Admission
- For 3 (or possibly 4) years
- Admission requirements: above-average Master’s Degree
2. Application for Enrollement
As a doctoral student
3. Doctoral Studies
- for three years
- Specific field-related, interdisciplinary events (open to all, but staggered by year): PhD colloquia, Method seminars, lectures, advanced seminars, guest lectures, other lecture series, etc.
- Field-independent qualifying events: doctoral and career skills such as writing skills, teaching skills, public speaking, presentation, team management, project management, etc.
4. Doctoral Examination
- The project coordinator will choose the reviewers of the Doctoral Committee according to the proposal of the doctoral student
- Doctoral Colloquium (with the Doctoral Committee)
- Publication of the dissertation etc.
Graduation Regulations
New edition of graduation regulations (pdf, German)
General graduation regulations for Dr. phil. / Ph.D. (pdf, German)