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BMBF Collaborative Research Project "Embodied Information"

FU Freie Universitaet Berlin (Institue of Philosophy) and KHM Academy of Media Arts Cologne (Media Science Department)


Mini-workshops consist of two or four presentations and an extensive discussion.

"Programmable Material"

21 February 2011

Location: Institute of Philosophy, FU  Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 30

Language: German

Workshop on the influence of computing on materials/new materials (organised by Lothar Michael Putzmann, KHM Cologne)

13-14  Introduction
Prof. Dr. Ing. Georg Trogemann and Lothar Michael Putzmann, Experimental Computer Science, KHM Cologne

14-16  Presentations
-"Rechnen Zellen? Molekulare Interaktionen und formale Berechenbarkeit", Prof. Dr. Alexander Bockmayr, Chair of Mathematics in Life Sciences, FU Berlin

-"Berechnung hirnelektrischer Korrelate und die Modalität des erfassten Materials", Prof. Dr. Ing. Galina Ivanova, Chair of Signal and Information Processing in the Neurosciences, HU Berlin

-"Rekurrente Doppelfolgen: Inhalt und informationstheoretische Bedeutung", Dr. Mihai Prunescu, Institute for Mathematics and Logic, Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg

-"Ein epistemisches Modell des Rechnens", Prof. Dr. Bernd Mahr, Institute for Telecommunication Systems, TU Berlin

16-19 Discussion

"Synthetic Biology"

2. July 2010

Location: Institute for Advanced Studies, Lancaster University

Language: English

10-11 "The system biology graphical notation (SBGN)", Kathrin Friedrich (KHM Cologne)

11-12 "Metaphor, modularity and design in synthetic biology", Jane Calvert (University of Edinburgh)

12-13 "Reductionism in systems biology, synthetic biology and experimental laboratory practices", Werner Kogge (FU Berlin)

13-15 Discussion

"Neuron, Elektron, Psychon. Konvergenzen/Divergenzen in der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts"

5. November 2009

Location: Institute of Philosophy, FU Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 30

Language: German

10-11 "Biophysik", Max Stadler (MPI for History of Science, Berlin)

11-12 "Biokybernetik", Jan Müggenburg (University Vienna)

12-14 Discussion