BMBF Collaborative Research Project "Embodied Information"
FU Freie Universitaet Berlin (Institue of Philosophy) and KHM Academy of Media Arts Cologne (Media Science Department)
2012 (selection)
29.12.2012 "Fast-track Synthetic Biology", Gabriele Gramelsberger (workshop "Modelling Complexity: New Methods and Concepts for a More Robust Synthetic Biology", 29.-30.12.2012, University of Exeter)
18.5.2012 "Simulations in climate research and policy", Gabriele Gramelsberger (conference "Modelling for Policy", 17.-18.5.2012, British Academy of Science, London)
30.3.2012 “Endless Traffic & Drowning Sons”, Peter Bexte (conference “Media Transatlantic IV: Traffic”, Paderborn, 29.-31.03.12)
08.02. 2012 “Schrifttheorie”, Werner Kogge (talk and seminar: DFG Reserach Training Gropus "Notational Iconicity", FU Berlin)
27.1.2012 “The Data Paradox of Biology”, Gabriele Gramelsberger (workshop “Futures of Synthetic Biology”, Centre for the Study of the Science and the Humanities, University of Bergen, 26.-27.1.2012)
27.1.2012 “Biological machines and the materiality of computation”, Georg Trogemann (workshop “Synthetic Biology. Views from the Future”, Universität Bergen, 26.-27.01.12)
25.01.12 “Orte als präpositionale Objekte“ Peter Bexte (lecture at the IKKM Weimar)
20.1.2012 “Lifelike Algorithms & Cellular Machines”, Gabriele Gramelsberger (workshop “Different Forms of Life? Comparative Perspectives on Systems and Synthetic Biology”, Research Centre for Biotechnology, University of Hamburg, 19.-20.1.2012)
2011 (selection)
15.12.2011 "Grenzlehren der Prothetik. Exzentrizitäten und Phantome”, Karin Harrasser (conference „Touché – Die magische und technische Evidenz der Medien“, IFK Wien, 14.-16.12.2011)
25.11.2011 “New Adjustments between Theory and Empirical Data”, Gabriele Gramelsberger (workshop “Data - Differences - Diversity. Technologies of Differentiation in the Life Schiences”, Max-Planck-Institute for History of Science, Berlin, 24.-26.11.2011)
27.10.2011 “Medical Media: Bodies, Spaces, Apparatuses”, Kathrin Friedrich, Anja Johanse, Rita Elmkvist Nilsen (panel “Media Acts - The 10th International Conference of the Nordic Society for Intermedial Studies (NorSIS)”, Trondheim/Norway, 26.-28.10.2011)
27.10.2011 “Dispositif – On Materialities of Imaging”, Kathrin Friedrich (“Media Acts - The 10th International Conference of the Nordic Society for Intermedial Studies (NorSIS)”, Trondheim/Norway, 26.-28.10.2011)
19.10.2011 “Zum Verhältnis von Systembiologie und Synthetischer Biology”, Gabriele Gramelsberger (Institute of Philosophy, RWTH Aachen)
19.8.2011 “The simulation approach in biology”, Gabriele Gramelsberger (ESF European Science Foundation workshop on “Systems Biology”, University of Aarhus, Dep. for Science Studies, 18.-20.8.2011)
12.4.2011 "'Faces' of Digital Imaging”, Kathrin Friedrich (Research Workshop "Body images - gender inside/outside" at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology Centre in Paris, 11.-13.4.2011)
03.04.11 "Naturkulturen und ihre Medien. Arbeit, Kunst und Aneignung”, Karin Harrasser (conference „Intermedios II“, UNAL Bogotá)
2010 (selection)
28.05.2010 "Enabling/Enhancing. Prosthetic Technology and Anthropologies of Deficiency", Karin Harrasser (Workshop Body Montage. Cultures of Corporeal Dis/Assembling, 1900-1930, Max-Planck-Institute for History of Science, Berlin, 27.-29.05.10)
22.05.2010 "‘Sehkollektive’ - Diagnostic Analysis of CT- Visualisations", Kathrin Friedrich (First International Conference on Medical Imaging and Philosophy: Challenges, Refelections and Actions, Villa Eberhardt, University of Ulm, 21.-22.05.10)
20.05.2010 "Algorithms as Epistemic Actors in Policy Contexts“ Gabriele Gramelsberger (workshop "Models and Algorithms in Policy Contexts", Cambridge University, UK)
07.05.2010 "Berechenbarkeit, Entscheidbarkeit, Wahrheit", Michael Putzmann (Artefakte Colloquia, KHM Cologne)
23.04.2010 "Prothesen exponieren. Sichtbarkeiten neuer Technologie", Karin Harrasser (conference "Körper_Gegenwart", Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden 22.-24.04.10)
09.04.2010 "'Die Bildszene' (The Drawing- or Image Scene): Otto Rössler, chaos and the materiality of thought", Nina Samuel (The Media Transatlantic Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 8.-10.04.2010)
19.02.2010 "Trajektorien - Die Extrapolation der Linie aus dem Punkt", Gabriele Gramelsberger (workshop "Erkenntniskraft der Linie", University of Potsdam, 18.-19.02.2010)
17.02.2010 "Magnetische Experimente in Bildern", Peter Bexte (Central Library, ETH Zurich)
2009 (selection)
29.09.2009 "Passung durch Rückkopplung. Konzepte der Selbstregulierung in der Prothetik des Ersten Weltkriegs", Karin Harrasser (workshop: "Mit Leben rechnen", University of Luebeck)
15.07.2009 "Computersimulationen in den Wissenschaften", Gabriele Gramelsberger (lecture series "DarstellungsRäume. Schrift, Bild, Tanz, Klang", FU Berlin)
06.07.2009 "Verkörperte Information", Werner Kogge ('Kollegium Technikphilosophie, University of Stuttgart)
20.06.2009 "Grammatik und Empirie. Wie Wittgensteins Methode Erfahrung aufschließen kann", Werner Kogge (Wittgenstein-Tag, University of Heidelberg)
19.06.09 "Grenzlehren der Prothetik. Das Regulierungswissen der ZwischenkriegszeitGrenzlehren der Prothetik. Das Regulierungswissen der Zwischenkriegszeit", Karin Harrasser (conference "Cercle de lecture sur les Kulturwissenschaften", Paris Ouest, Paris-Nanterres)
21.05.2009 "Prepositions and things. Some reflections on relations", Peter Bexte (International Conference “Media Theory on the Move. Transatlantic perspectives on media and mediation”, University of Potsdam 21.-23.05.09)
12.05.2009 "Leben in Bildern pro Sekunde- Zur Mikrokinematographie der Zelle im frühen 20. Jahrhundert", Kathrin Friedrich (Junges Forum für Bildwissenschaft 2009 „Bilder des Lebendigen. Sprachen, Imaginationen, Technologien“, Berlin Academy of Science, 11.-13.05.09)
06.05.2009 "Verkörperte Information - Konzepte und Bilder der 'Converging Technologies'", Gabriele Gramelsberger (lecture series on "Technology and Innovation", TU Berlin)