Current 'Interart' Fellows
Border Crossings and Convergences of the Arts in Contemporary AestheticsEmail:tufanacil[at]
Gazing into the Innermost: Staging Intimacy in Theatre and Museum Spaces (working title)Email:katharina.alsen[at]
Philosophy of History in Choral Works from the 20th Century – Paul Hindemith, Bernd Alois Zimmermann, Wolfgang RihmEmail:martin_andris[at]
Laughter in Theatrical PerformancesEmail:kokoboal[at]
Performing Authorship in Curating. Zum Verhältnis von Ausstellen, Autorschaft und Gender in der zeitgenössischen kuratorischen PraxisEmail:Nanne.Buurman[at]
Rehearsing Reparative Critical PracticesEmail:katrinedh[at]
Archive Aesthetics and Pragmatics of Moscow ConceptualismEmail:jfertig[at]
Plugging Performance Arts into the Revolutionary Machine: Alter-Modernities and the Coming Spatiotemporal Body RelationsEmail:iman.ganji[at]
Transcultural Musical Heritage – Afro-Brazilian Musical Traditions as Embodied Knowledge Across Geographic BoundariesEmail:nina.graeff[at]
Voices in Silent FilmEmail:sophiandree.herr[at]
Probing the Terrain: Cunning Spatial Agency in the West BankEmail:swd686[at]
Media of Meaning. How the World Makes a Difference (Working Title)Email:christian.krueger[at]
Representing Dionysus 69Email:falko.mckenna[at]
Theatre tribunals – presentations of court proceedings in drama and theatre at the interface of aesthetics, politics and ethicsEmail:yasmine.salimi[at]
The Medium of Scenic Action – Towards a Theory of Theatricality (working title)Email:manuel.scheidegger[at]
In Search of the Lost Real. On the Conjuncture of 'Times of Crisis' and the Documentary (working title)Email:tina[at]