Evelyn Schuler Zea

Interweaving Performance Cultures
Advisory Board Member
Evelyn Schuler Zea is a professor of anthropology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), where she also participates in the Postgraduate Program of Social Anthropology and the Postgraduate Program of Translation Studies. She studied ethnology, philosophy and modern German literature at the University of Basel (Switzerland), where she graduated in 1999; at University of Bern (Switzerland), where she received her PhD from the Institute for Social Anthropology in 2006; and at the University of São Paulo (Brazil), where she completed her postdoctoral research in the Programa de Pós-Doutorado em Antropologia Social from 2007-2008 and from 2009-2010, spending the year of 2008-2009 as postdoctoral fellow at the International Research Centre Interweaving Performance Cultures in Berlin (Germany). She is the author of Zwischen Sein und Nicht-Sein: Fragmente eines kosmologischen Tupi-Guarani-Diskurses in der neueren brasilianischen Ethnologie (2000) and of Metaphorisierte Umwege, uneigentliche Übersetzungen: Arbeit an Bildern im Doppelfeld der Waiwai-Anthropologie (2006). She also co-edited Sexta Feira: Antropologias, Artes e Humanidades from 1997 to 2007, a thematic dossier on anthropology and performance in Ilha: Revista de Antropologia (vol. 13, 2012), and a thematic dossier on anthropology and translation in Cadernos da Tradução (vol. 30, 2012). Her recent contribution is a book chapter entitled “The inception of Yanomami shamanic initiation and the movement of parts,” to be published in Movements of Interweaving (Routledge), edited by Gabriele Brandstetter, Gerko Egert and Holger Hartung. Her current research concerns both the potentiality of indigenous concepts and approaches of Hans Blumenberg’s philosophy, particularly his work on moving away from absolute forms, focusing on knots of property, propertylessness and, specially, of impropriety in the double field of anthropology and translation.