Tadashi Uchino

Interweaving Performance Cultures
Fellow 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18
Tadashi Uchino is Professor of Performance Studies at the Department of Japanese Studies, Gakushuin Women’s College in Tokyo, Japan. He received his MA in American Literature (1984) and his PhD in Performance Studies (2002), both from the University of Tokyo. His publications include The Melodramatic Revenge (1996), From Melodrama to Performance (2001), Crucible Bodies (2009) and The Location of “J” Theatre (2016). Uchino has served in many Japanese academic societies, and is currently a board member of the Society of Studies of Culture and Representation, while continuing to write performance reviews for academic as well as popular media in Japan and abroad. He was a contributing editor at TDR for 15 years (1998-2013) and is currently an editor of the Dance Research Journal of Korea. He is a member of the board of directors of the Arts Council Tokyo and of the selection committee for the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize.
Research Project
Towards Theorizing Animalized Post-Human Performativity and its “Affect” as an Emerging Aesthetics in Transnational Performance Cultures
The questions addressed in my research project are as follows: if we agree that we are all “animalized” and that (at least Hegelian) history has come to an end, how can we start talking about a performance at all? It is all too apparent that modern critical criteria no longer have any good application here. We must admit that the liberalist-humanist tradition does not help us, either positively or negatively, to understand what is occurring in and among emerging performance cultures, interculturally, transnationally and/or intra-nationally. There cannot be any all-inclusive theory, so should we simply discard the desire to theorize, and go about tirelessly producing acceptable and respectable case studies?
My research project at this point needs more case studies. While following ever-developing theories of posthumanity, digitality, “affect” and so on, I must also see that my critical and scholarly “hunch” formulated in the rather crude form of questions posited above can be applied to and/or revised by different kinds of performances that I watch and experience. Berlin certainly offers ample opportunity for me to accumulate case study material to develop my research project in more concrete terms, and to envision the result as a book in English and Japanese. For the second term at the Center, my goal is to come up with a book proposal resulting from my research in Berlin and in Tokyo.
Recommended Publications
- Reynolds, B., Transversal Subjects: From Montaigne to Deleuze after Derrida. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
- Uchino, T., Crucible Bodies: Postwar Japanese Performance from Brecht to the New Millennium. London: Seagull Books, 2009.
- Uchino, T., The Location of “J” Theatre: Towards Transnational Mobilities. Tokyo: U. of Tokyo Press, 2016.