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Video Interview: Nanako Nakajima

In this interview, the dramaturge and dance scholar Nanako Nakajima, discusses her research project on the aging body in dance. The project developed out of her experiences of training and teaching traditional dance in Japan for more the 20 years as well as out of her work as a dramaturge for independent dance productions in the U.S. Describing the ways in which age is performed and perceived differently in dance communities in Japan, in the U.S., and in Europe, Nakajima emphasizes that during the creative production process of dance pieces, interweaving practices can open up various perspectives and thus prevent offending stereotypical representations of ‘other’ cultures in performance.


Video Interview with Nanako Nakajima, © Freie Universität Berlin 2015


  • age, aging, dance, body, body politics, Japan, representation, dancer's body, interweaving, performance, cultures, interweaving performance cultures.
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung