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The corpus Deutsch in Namibia (DNam, ‘German in Namibia’) was built within the project "Namdeutsch: The dynamics of German in the multilingual context of Namibia". It is openly accessible via the Datenbank für Gesprochenes Deutsch (DGD, ‘Database for Spoken German’). This corpus is a new digital resource that comprehensively and systematically documents the language use of the German-speaking minority in Namibia and related language attitudes. Detailed information can be found in Zimmer et al. (in press) and in the DGD.


Please cite this publication if you use the corpus:

Zimmer, Christian, Heike Wiese, Horst J. Simon, Marianne Zappen-Thomson, Yannic Bracke, Britta Stuhl & Thomas Schmidt (in press). Das Korpus Deutsch in Namibia (DNam): Eine Ressource für die Kontakt-, Variations- und Soziolinguistik. Deutsche Sprache. [pdf]