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Doctoral fellows

Linja Auffenberg

„Techniques of Literary Writing in the Digital Mediosphere.“

Nele Diekmann

"Talbot's Tools: Scientific Notebooks as a Laboratory of Victorian Scholarship"

Christian Driesen

"Intensive signs – Expressive forms. On a theory of scribble as the difference between writing and image"

Kosuke Endo

“Semiotization the Handwriting. Graphology from 1875 till 1968

Dominik Erdmann

"Totalansichten aus dem Zettelkasten - Die Schriftbildlichkeit des Entwurfs als Basis der visuellen Poetologien in Alexander von Humboldts Kosmos"

Thorsten Gabler

»Studies in the Materiality and Aesthetics of Written Communication 1799-1898 (von Arnim/Brentano; Fontane)«

André Gasch

“Writing to Be Seen. Graffiti Writing As a Paradigmatic Case of the Phenomenon of Notational Iconicity”

Julia Giessler

"Body Styling, Body Modification and Its Socio-Cultural Aspects in Ancient Mesopotamia"

He Lin

„Notational Iconicity in the Notations of Guqin – A Comparative Study“

Catherine Marten

»[...] nichts [...], nichts unterstrichen.« – On the interplay of Fetishism and Notational Iconicity in Thomas Bernhard’s Prose Work

Katia Schwerzmann

Title: "The Shift Towards Writing in Contemporary Art" 

Subtitle: "Exploring Textual Border Phenomena in Dialogue with Recent Theories of Writing and Image "

Andreas Vater

"Ikonographie reziprok. Die Entzifferung des Rebusbildes im barocken Bilderrätsel“

Boris Wyssusek





Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft