Berlin-Potsdam Lecture Series: Perspektiven der Bildforschung
News from Apr 05, 2012
This Summer-Semester 2012 the Research Groups "Bildakt und Verkörperung", "BildEvidenz", "Das Technische Bild" as well as the Research Training Groups "Notational Iconicity", "Sichtbarkeit und Sichtbarmachung" & "Das Wissen der Künste" gladly invite you to the following lecture series:
Perspektiven der Bildforschung. Berlin-Potsdamer Vortragsreihe
The lectures will take place every wednesday at 7:00 pm in the following address:
Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwartskunst
Invalidenstraße 50-5
10557 Berlin
You can download the complete programm of the lecture series here.