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Dr. Esther Neuhann

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Habelschwerdter Allee 30
Room Raum 24
14195 Berlin

[German version]


I am on leave from April 1st 2024 until March 31st 2025. During this time, I will be an interim professor of practical philosophy at TU Dresden. 

Since 2023: Postdoctoral research associate (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at the chair for social philosophy (Robin Celikates), FU Berlin

2019-2023: Postdoctoral research associate (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), Universität Hamburg; partly funded through a DFG(German Research Foundation)-project on "Fichte and Human Rights"

2019: PhD, Goethe University Frankfurt (supervisors: Rainer Forst and Christoph Menke)

2013: MPhil in Political Theory, University of Oxford 

2011: BA Political Science, FU Berlin 

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During my BA, I spent a year at the Sorbonne in Paris (Paris IV) studying philosophy. As a PhD student, I was at Columbia University for a few months (host: Frederick Neuhouser). In 2022, I spent some time visiting Michelle Kosch at Cornell University. 

Summer semester 2024 (TU Dresden): 

- Discourse Ethics

- Cooperation and the Division of Labor

- Philosophy of Love and Sex

Winter semester 2023: 

- Körper and Leib 

- Silvia Federici: The Body and the Division of Labor

Summer semester 2023: 

- Philosophy of Work 

- Jay Bernstein: Torture and Dignity

- Political, legal and social philosophy; critical theory 

- Fichte's practical philosophy 

- Feminist philosophy

2020: Zeitstrukturen des Rechts. Über die Möglichkeit einer kritischen Theorie der Gerechtigkeit.

2024 (forthcoming): "Fichte on Human Rights", in: Fichte-Studien.

2023: "Toril Moi's Account of "Woman" and Questions of Trans Inclusivity", in: Hypatia. A Journal of Feminist Philosophy (open access). 

2023: "Social Pathologies as Educational Injustices", in: Emancipations. A Journal of Critical Social Analysis (open access). 

2020: "Fichte's Concept of Recognition and Poverty as Material Deprivation", in: Gottfried Schweiger (ed.), Poverty, Inequality and the Critical Theory of Recognition, Springer, pp. 37–58.

2020: "Constitutionalism Justified. Rainer Forst in Discourse" (ed. Ester Herlin-Karnell und Matthias Klatt), in: Jurisprudence 11 (4), pp. 645–652 [Book review].

2020: "Constituent Power: A History of What Exactly?", Comment on Lucia Rubinelli, Constituent Power: A History, Cambridge University Press (2020), in verfassungsblog.de (https://verfassungsblog.de/constituent-power-a-history-of-what-exactly/

[For more non-English publications, see the German version of my website.]

[recent and upcoming English talks] 

January 2024: 

- Presentation at the Panel Fichte's Political Economy, APA Eastern (New York)

November 2023: 

- "Which Body? Questioning the Hierarchical Distinction Between Mental and Physical Labor", It Ain't Working: A Workshop on Alternative Approaches to Work, Groningen

September 2023: 

- "Fichte on Human Rights", Conference on the Politics of German Idealism, Coimbra (Portugal) 

July 2023:

- "Which Body? Questioning the Hierarchical Distinction Between Mental and Physical Labor", Workshop on the Division of Labor, FU Berlin