Dr. Manolis Ulbricht
This website and its subwebsites are updated until April 2022. For the current website since October 2022, please refer to the website at the University of Göttingen and for the time between May – October 2022 to the website at LMU Munich.- Private Meeting with Pope em. Benedict XVI for the Presentation of the Ph.D. Thesis “Coranus Graecus” (Vatican, 20/12/2015) & Personal Correspondence regarding its Publication (2016/17)
- Private Audience with the Ecumenical Patriarch S. A. Bartholomew of Constantinople and Presentation of the Ph.D. Thesis “Coranus Graecus” (Istanbul, 13/03/2019)
- Private audience with Khalifatul Massih V., Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat), cooperation exploration of the “Corpus Coranicum Christianum” (Islamabad / London, May 18, 2019)
- “German Researcher travels to meet Khalifa”, MTA News Channel, World News (24/06/2019)
- “Traveler between Religions on his research in Damascus and meeting Pope Benedict”, Radio Inteview with Monika Müller-Kroll in the Program Profiles, KCRW Berlin (26/12/2017)
- Short Portrait in the Magazine wir [p. 41] (Freie Universität Berlin, Winter 2016/17)
- “Zwischen Mönchen und Moscheen – zwei Jahre in Damaskus” [‘Among Monks and Mosques – Two Years in Damascus’], Field Report for the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (06/01/2014)
- “Es war eine Entscheidung von Tag zu Tag” [‘A decision from day to day’], Der Tagesspiegel, 08/12/2012, P. B6 – Interview about my Research in Syria (2010–2012)
- “Musik aus griechischen und türkischen Traditionen” [‘Greek and Turkish Musical Traditions’], Radio Live Broadcast by RBB Radio Kultur, Interview with Marion Hayens (01/08/2003)
- “Kenner und Liebhaber spielen Alte Musik” [‘Conoisseurs and Enthusiasts Play Early Music’] (Superintendence by Bernhard Morbach), Radio Live Broadcast by Radio 3 of the Sender Freies Berlin (SFB), Musical Participation at Bürgerhaus Grünau (Whit Monday 1999)
- “Ein Plädoyer für Europa” [‘A Plea For Europe’], Magazin wir [p. 19] (FU Berlin, Summer 2017)
- Note of Thanks at the Ernst Reuter Day 2016 (Freie Universität Berlin, 06/12/2016)
- Note of Thanks at the 17. Symposium des Mediävistenverbandes (University of Bonn, 22/03/2017)
- Note of Thanks at the GSCO Annual Assembly 2017 (University of Salzburg, 05/05/2017)
Invitations as Referee
Hampshire – Jalsa Salana United Kingdom (03–05/08/2018) [Programme], The Al-Quran Exhibition: “The Corpus Coranicum Christianum. A Project Initiative of Berlin Byzantine Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin” (04/08/2018)
Berlin – German-Greek Society, Chat with Adrian Pirtea: “Byzanz als Mittler zwischen Ost und West – Zusammenleben und Auseinandersetzung von Christen und Muslimen im östlichen Mittelmeerraum” [“Byzantium as a mediator between East and West – coexistence and conflict of Christians and Muslims in the eastern Mediterranean Region”], Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (18/12/2017)
Berlin – exantas Berlin e. V.: Fireside Chat with Adrian Pirtea about “Christen und Muslime in Syrien und Irak in den Anfängen der byzantinischen Zeit” [“Christians and Muslims in Syria and Iraq in the early Byzantine Period”], in the Framework of the Series Byzantium (1) in the Literature House Berlin (10/11/2017)
Berlin – Protestant Church, Diocese of Steglitz: Ecumenical Parish Convent/ Patmos Church Berlin (Steglitz): “Die Anfänge des christlich-muslimischen Dialogs aus historischer Perspektive – mit anschließender Lektüre und Diskussion von Quellen christlicher Polemiken aus der Zeit der Spätantike” [“The beginnings of Christian-Muslim dialogue from a historical perspective – with subsequent reading and discussion of sources of Christian polemics from the period of the Late Antiquity”] (08/11/2017)
Mainz – General Assembly of the Görres-Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaft (29/09–01/10/2017): “Der Koran: Werk Gottes oder des Anti-Christen? Der Oriens Christianus und seine Sicht auf den Islam als Grundlage eines modernen Religionsdialoges” [“The Qur'an: Work of God or of the Antichrist? The Oriens Christianus and its view of Islam as the basis of a modern religious dialogue”], Section: Oriens Christianus (30/09/2017)
Berlin – Faculty of Theology/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: “Zwischen Mönchen und Moscheen: Zwei Jahre in Damaskus – und die Herausforderungen an einen interreligiösen Dialog” [“Between monks and mosques: two years in Damascus – and the challenges to interreligious dialogue”], in the Framework of the Event Course: Ästhetik der religiösen Begegnung of the Lecture Course July – Der Mensch als Reagenz (20/07/2017)
- Berlin – Invitation to the Practice Seminar “Texte im Leben. Experiment Feldforschung” [“Texts in life. Experimental field research”] (Freie Universität Berlin): Report on my Life and Field Research Experience in the Middle East (06/02/2017)
Berlin – Long Night of Science (Freie Universität Berlin): “‘Wir wussten nicht, waren wir im Himmel oder auf Erden’ – Byzantinische Musik in Theorie und Praxis” [“‘We didn't know, whether we were in heaven or on earth’ - Byzantine music in theory and practice”] (11/06/2016)
Zossen – Round Table Aid to Refugees Zossen: “Zwei Jahre meines Lebens in Syrien. Perspektiven eines außenstehenden Insiders” [“Two years of my life in Syria. Perspectives of an outside insider”] (11/02/2016)
Beirut – Beirut Ethics Colloquium: “The Christian-Muslim Dialogue in the Middle East – a Historical Approach” (27/11/2015)
Willebadessen – Seminar “Der Islam und der Westen. Historische, kulturelle und gegenwärtige Verwurzelung des Islam im Abendland und Abgrenzung vom politischen Islamismus” [“Islam and the West. Historical, cultural and current rootedness of Islam in the Occident and differentiation from political Islamism”], Christian Educational Institute Die HEGGE (20–22/03/2015), advertised by the German Federal Head Office for Political Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung)
Berlin – Rotaract Club Berlin Brandenburger Tor, Berlin: “Alte Wissenschaft für die moderne Gesellschaft – ein Beispiel aus der Forschung zu Byzanz und Islam” [“Ancient science for modern society – an example from research on Byzantium and Islam”] (06/02/2014)