Dr. Cora Kim
Personal Profile:
I studied East Asian Languages, Linguistics, and Philosophy in Beijing and Berlin and obtained an MA in General Linguistics from the Technische and the Freie Universität Berlin. I then focused on the cross-linguistic study of first language acquisition and conceptual development and completed a PhD in the interdisciplinary research cluster ‘Languages of Emotion’ at the Freie Universität Berlin.
During my PhD, I collected data for my project in South Korea and spent one month as a visiting Graduate student at the linguistics department of the University of Hawai’i at Manoa and an academic year as a visiting researcher in the departments of linguistics and psychology at Stanford University.
My current research at the Brain Language Laboratory focuses on the interaction of language and cognition from a neurolinguistic perspective. My work includes:
- cross-linguistic study of the influence of lexical distinctions on categorical perception and the neuromechanistic underpinnings of ‘Whorfian effects’;
- training studies on word learning and the acquisition of concrete and abstract meanings, with an aim to integrate embodied semantics with a view that acknowledges language as an important input source to the building and organization of conceptual representations;
- neuropragmatics and the brain basis of speech acts taking into account the social-interactive origin and grounding of language and investigating the time course, localization, and influencing factors of communicative intention reading from speech and gesture
- Kim, C., Tomasello, R., and F. Pulvermüller In prep. Italian Blues: neurophysiological and behavioral evidence for language influence on the categorical perception of colors.
- Kim, C. (2013) Entering the ‘community of minds’ in Germany and Korea. A cross-cultural investigation of developing internal state language, theory of mind, and emotion concepts between 3 and 6 years. Doctoral dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin