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ESLP 2024 at FU Berlin - Call for Abstracts - Extended Submission Deadline

We are excited to announce that the 2024 edition of the Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP) conference will take place at FU Berlin and will be organized by members of the BLL. We invite abstracts on embodied and situated language processing, as well as grounded cognition in a language context. Extended abstract submission deadline: 15.06.2024

News vom 27.05.2024

We are excited to announce that the 2024 edition of the Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP) conference will take place at FU Berlin and will be organized by members of the BLL!


Save the Date: 03.10. - 05.10.

Call for Abstracts: We invite abstracts on embodied and situated language processing, as well as grounded cognition in a language context. We encourage empirical studies with a relation to brain function (e.g. fMRI, EEG, MEG, NIRS, TMS) as well as behavioural methods and modelling approaches. Contributions reporting work in progress (e.g., registered reports) are welcome. Abstracts should be up to 300 words long (exclusive of references) and should be submitted through the submission portal (www.conftool.net/eslp2024) by June 15, 2024 (extended submission deadline). Accepted abstracts will result in either a 15-20 minute talk or a poster presentation (notifications will be communicated by June 30, 2024).


The ESLP conference provides an interdisciplinary forum discussing current developments in grounding during online language processing. It welcomes a broad spectrum of methods to examine the interaction of language and sensory and motor processing, such as behavioural, neurophysiological and computational approaches, to foster research in the context of theories of semantic grounding or embodiment and pragmatic situated communication and language use.

Keynote speakers Véronique Boulenger, Luciano Fadiga, Friedemann Pulvermüller and Guillaume Thierry will highlight the latest trends in the field.

We would be delighted to welcome many of you to the conference!

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