Situating Global Art, International Conference 12th - 14th February at Literaturwerkstatt Berlin
“Situating Global Art” interrogates the relation between an increasing globalization of the art discourse and the situatedness of art practices.
Since the early 1990s, the term “global art” has been established to call attention to poly-centered, plural, and transnational art worlds under postcolonial conditions. Yet, the process of globalizing art may also be criticized for producing its own hegemonic and exclusive effects.
The conference therefore brings into focus recent practices of art, curating, historiography and criticism that are connected to the global art discourse while at the same time attempting to queer or resist new hegemonic narratives.
Scrutinizing the dynamics that unfold between the institutionalization of “global art” and situated art practices, “Situating Global Art” asks how contemporary local, traditional, indigenous, or tribal forms of artistic critique contribute to reconfigure notions of both the global and the local, thus challenging homogenizing conceptions of art in the age of globalization.
Entry and admission is free of charge.
For further information please visit:
News from Jan 21, 2015