Gäste am Arbeitsbereich
Gäste und Gastwissenschaftler*innen am Arbeitsbereich:
Wintersemester 24/25:
- Jan Kerkmann (Privatdozent an der Universität Freiburg, Stipendiat der
Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung). Projekt: „Naturphilosophie um 1800.
Zur Konstellation Schelling ‒ Goethe und deren Spinoza-Rezeption“.
Vergangene Semester:
- Martina Favaretto (Promovendin, Indiana University Bloomington, one-year graduate exchange fellowship, working on Kantian ethics and interested in developing a Kantian account of moral motivation that is grounded on the notion of rational desire, E-Mail: mfavaret@indiana.edu).
- Anton Fomin (Dozent an der Lomonossow-Universität, unterstützt durch die Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung. Project: "Die historischen Voraussetzungen des Hegel'schen Begriffes der reinen (philosophischen) Mathematik als Wissenschaft über die Zeit", E-Mail: fominanton85@mail.ru).
- Nicolas Garcia Mills (Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow. Project: "Hegel's Ethical Naturalism", E-Mail: ngarciamills@gmail.com).
- Tal Meir Giladi (Promovend, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Minerva Fellow und Ludwig Armbruster Fellow , E-Mail: talmeir.giladi@mail.huji.ac.il)
- Tal Glezer (Joint Berlin-Jerusalem Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program)
- Rea Golan (Minerva Post-doctoral Fellow, Projekttitel: "Phenomenology, Normativity and Formality in Logic", E-Mail: reagolan@gmail.com)
- Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj (Assistant Professor at UITM in Rzeszów, Poland/NAWA Bekker Research Fellow. Project: "The Dimensions of Post-Heideggerism. In the centenary of Being and Time", E-Mail: mholy@wsiz.edu.pl).
- Dean Moyar (Associate Professor, John Hopkins University, Humboldt Foundation Research Stay)
- Simon Schüz (Promovend, Universität Tübingen, Promotionsstipendiat der SddV)
- Elena Tripaldi (DAAD Post-doctoral fellow. Project: "The truth of substance: Hegel's metaphysics of subjectivity and contemporary analytic monism" - the project aims at developing a new understanding of the nature of Hegel's metaphysics and to define its contemporary interest in dialogue with the recent debate between monism and pluralism within contemporary analytic metaphysics, E-Mail: elena.tripaldi.phd@unipd.it).
- Fernando Turri (DAAD Stipendium, Projekt: "Hegel und der Verstand: zu Beginn und Bedingung spekulativ-philosophischen Denkens", E-Mail: fernandoturri93@gmail.com).
- Ulaş Ustaer (Undergraduate philosophy student, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey)