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Exzellenzcluster Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective

Doing Literature in a Global Perspective

The Cluster of Excellence 2020 "Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective" aims to create a new theoretical and methodological take on literature in a global perspective that moves beyond the categories of nation and period and conceives of literature instead as a transcultural and transtemporal phenomenon in deep time. Based on the insight that literature is a fundamentally performative and intermedial phenomenon, a form of social action taking place in complex networks of human and non-human actors, the Cluster studies how literature becomes global through its temporal entanglements. Introducing the notion of 'temporal communities', the Cluster investigates the ways in which literature reaches out through space and time and establishes extensive transtemporal networks in which the notion of literature itself is constantly re-constituted as it interacts with other arts and media.

Projekte in Forschungsverbünden

  • Ekphrasis: Literarizität und Tradition in der englischen Literatur des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, Unterprojekt im Rahmen der DFG-Forschergruppe 606 Topik und Tradition. Prozesse der Neuordnung von Wissensüberlieferungen des 13. bis 17. Jahrhunderts (Johnston / Rouse)


laufende Dissertationen



Thema der Arbeit


in Arbeit

Matilda Jones

Aural Subjects: The Representation of Subjectivity in Contemporary Experimental British Radio and Podcasting

Prof. Dr. Sabine Schülting

in Arbeit

Marie Catherine Menzel

 Constructions of Gender in Contemporary British Shakespeare Productions

Prof. Dr. Sabine Schülting

in Arbeit

Karoline Rosina Strauch

Queer Modernist Networks

Prof. Dr. Caroline Kögler

in Arbeit

Lea von der Linde

Narration as performance in Beowulf

 Prof. Dr. Andrew James Johnston


laufende Habilitationen



Thema der Arbeit


in Arbeit

Justus Conrad Gronau

Epistemologies of the Self in lndian English Literature

Prof. Dr. Andreas Mahler

in Arbeit

Lukas Lammers


Prof. Dr. Andreas Mahler

in Arbeit

Peter Löffelbein

Historiographic Metafiction and the Materiality of Time 

Prof. Dr. Andrew James Johnston