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Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftungsprofessur


Seit Sommersemester 2024 hat Prof. Dr. Miriam Akkermann die Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftungsprofessur für Neue Musik am musikwissenschaftlichen Seminar der Freien Universität Berlin übernommen. Ziel der Professur ist es, die Neue Musik vom 20. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart stärker im akademischen Diskurs zu verankern, die Auseinandersetzung mit Neuer Musik an der Freien Universität zu fördern und eine forschungsgestützte Lehre zu befördern.


Lullabyte is a research project which focuses on the effect of music/sound on sleep.

The MSCA Doctoral Network "Lullaybte" is funded by Horizon Europe (HORZION) for 4 years (November 2022 - October 2026). MSCA stands for Marie-Skłodowska Curie Actions and includes the EU's career support program for PhD students and postdocs in the field of excellence of HORIZON EUROPE.

"Lullaybte" will train a new generation of interdisciplinary and internationally experienced researchers in order to provide the rapidly growing market of personalized, data-based generated music with both a solid scientific foundation and the personnel to strengthen Europe's position in such technologies.
A total of ten doctoral students will be trained in the interdisciplinary research area and acquire profound skills that are relevant for research, industry and the cultural sector. The PhD students, each based at the participating universities, are investigating the effects of music on sleep in very different settings and from different points of view. One of them is the brain's transition from waking– to sleep states.

The network includes 10 partners from 7 European countries: FU Berlin (GER), Radboud University Medical Center from the Netherlands (NL), the University of Stuttgart (GER), Aarhus University from Denmark (DK), the FEMTO-STInstitute and the Paris Brain Insitute from France (F), Universitat Pompeu Fabra from Spain (SPA), the Royal Institute of Technology from Sweden (SVE), Université de Fribourg from Switzerland (CH) and the Berlin-based start-up Endel (GER).