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Funding Opportunities

1. Project grants at the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School

The FSGS Project Scholarship supports junior researchers to develop their doctoral project and to prepare an application for an external scholarship.

Project scholars receive a 9-month scholarship of 1103 EUR per month. Aside from the financial support that allows for residence in Berlin and focusing on the project development, the grantees are mentored by a team of supervisors. Our workshop series designed specifically for grantees of the project scholarship offers precise information on funding opportunities in Germany, coaching and presentation training, as well as forums to critically discuss exposés in the various stages of their development.

Who may apply: junior researchers who have completed a master’s degree by the beginning of the scholarship in June (at the interview, the registration must be available) and are planning to do a PhD in literary studies at the Freie Universität Berlin with a supervisor from the list of FSGS-PIs. Please note that the requirements to apply are the same as for our doctoral positions: proficiency in German and English at level C1/B2.

Project scholars who can successfully secure external dissertation funding receive a PhD position at the graduate school. This allows the scholars to take part in the doctoral studies’ structured curriculum, includes a travel budget, and access to FSGS funds for events.

International students are especially encouraged to apply.

2. Einstein fellowship for applicants from the Global South

The Einstein fellowships are dedicated to applicants from the Global South focusing on research in Germans studies (“Germanist*innen”). They are supported in preparing for a stay at FSGS, developing their doctoral project, and subsequently applying for an external doctoral fellowship.

Between April and October 2025, the Einstein fellows will participate in a digital program that will provide information on funding opportunities and coaching. From May to July, they will also complete a three month research stay at the FSGS, during which they will receive a scholarship of EUR 1450 per month.

Applications are open to young scholars from the Global South, who have a very good master’s degree in German studies or a related subject. They should plan a comparative literature doctorate at Freie Universität with a supervisor from among the PIs of FSGS, do not hold a German passport, and live in one of the countries of the Global South. In addition, applicants must have German and English language skills at the C1/B2 level.

Einstein fellows who successfully obtain external doctoral funding will be offered a doctoral position at the Graduate School.

3. PhD positions at the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School

PhD students with their own funding (scholarship from foundations or a position as a research assistant) can apply for positions at the graduate school. The positions are for the duration of three to four years, include a travel budget of 3000 EUR, and allow for financing requests to the board to fund own events. Further, our scholars are members of our graduate school’s extraordinary network, take part in our colloquia and events, and keep regular contact with their advisors who are all part of the circle of Principal Investigators (PIs) at FSGS.

4. DAAD grants for international German studies scholars

The DAAD grants we offer are part of the DAAD’s Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP). They are directed at international students of German literature and culture (“Germanist*innen”) who plan to earn a doctorate in literary studies, are not German nationals, and either currently live outside of Germany, or arrived in Germany no earlier than the year of the planned start of the scholarship. 

After having undergone the selection process, candidates will also have to submit their applications through the DAAD portal; the final decision lies with the funding agency.

5. Positions as research assistants at the Cluster of Excellence 2020 “Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective” (EXC TC) in conjunction with a PhD position at the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School

Positions for research assistants (predocs) at the Cluster of Excellence “Temporal Communities” are announced annually. There are two types of position:

The first is for people who wish to pursue a doctorate within the framework of an existing project at the Cluster EXC TC. In this case, the doctoral topics are developed in close consultation with the project leaders. Applicants are therefore requested to submit a short project-related outline of ideas with their application instead of a synopsis. Open position can be found in the cluster’s annual announcements.

EXC TC also awards positions to individuals who are pursuing their own project. For this format, applicants submit a synopsis for their planned doctoral project, which must be linked thematically to one of EXC TC’s five research areas.
Applications are open to junior researchers who are pursuing a doctorate with a focus on literary studies, have completed a master’s degree at the time of application, or no later than the position’s start date (in October of each year). In addition, applicants must be able to demonstrate a high proficiency in German and English (one of the two languages at least at level C1 CEFR, the other at least at level B2 CEFR).

Application Process

Information for applicants: After we have reviewed the applications, you will receive a response in case your application cannot be considered for formal reasons. All formally approved applications will go through an internal review process. The selection committee internally votes to select applicants who will be invited to the selection interviews.

During the interviews, each applicant has 5–10 minutes to give a verbal presentation on their project, followed by a 10–15-minute discussion. The prospective supervisors selected in the application are invited to this interview. You do not have to bring your application documents with you. Shortly after the selection interviews you will receive an acceptance or rejection.

The project scholarships begin in June.
The Einstein fellowships begin in April.
All other positions 
start in October.
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Dahlem Research School
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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