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Former Doctoral fellows


Fabian Czolbe

"Notational references of medial forming and transmission in creative processes of music. Considerations to the problematic of medial-critical draft-research in electroacoustic music and computer music."


Mareike Giertler

"Du hast nicht genug Achtung vor der Schrift … Kafka’s Aesthetics of Lettering"


Shai Gordin

"Textual Tradition and Text Images in Bronze Age and Iron Age Anatolia"


Ellen Hünigen

"Memoriality, polyphonic vocal practice and writing-based composition in the notational image of Aquitanian music codices of the early 12th century."


Tim Klähn

"Visual Aspects of Writing in Contemporary Russian Poetry"


Rea Köppel

"On the relation between print and handwriting; literary „Handexemplare“ with handwritten entries from around 1800"


Nepomuk Nitschke

"Sol-Fa Notation in Cameroon. The Assimilation of a Musical Notation System in Script, Gesture, and Practice."


André Reichert

"Diagrammatic of Thinking. Of the Commencement of Thinking and the Thinking of Commencement in Descartes, Heidegger and Deleuze" 


Michael Rottmann

"Mathematical Media in the Fine Arts of the 1960s" 


Michael Wamposzyc

"Typography and visual forms of representation in journals. Operativity and aesthetics of journal covers in Poland and Germany from 1945 to the present"


Eike Wittrock

"The Arabesque as dance figure of the Romantic Ballet"


Hyuntaek Yim

"The Notation of Traditional Korean Music: The Relationship between the Korean Writing System and the Jeongganbo Notation System"


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft