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Research Projects


Classical Greek Studies

Classical Latin Studies

  • Bimillenium 2017: Ovid and Europe
  • Ovid on 100 pages (book-project: Reclam)
  • The Use of Antiquity in Hans Blumenbergs Philosophy: Cosmology and (R)Evolution (continuation of Heisenberg-project, being planned)
  • The Anecdote As a Form of Knowledge, sub-project in SFB 980 "Episteme in Bewegung" (being planned)
  • At the Edge of Reason. The Dark Side of Europe and its Roots in Ancient Thinking (being planned)
  • Auto-Bio-Graphy. Another History of Literature (book-project)
  • Disenchantment of the Beginning? A Critical Reading of "Originality" (being planned)
  • Aetiologies of Culture (from Prometheus till Lucretius; being planned)
  • Theory of Philology

Medieval Latin


Byzantine Studies

  • Prof. Dr. Diether R. Reinsch: Michael Psellos, Chronographia. Kritische Edition, deutsche Übersetzung
  • Prof. Dr. Diether R. Reinsch / Prof. Dr. Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis : Bartholomaios von Edessa, Refutatio Agareni. Kritische Edition, deutsche Übersetzung, Kommentar


Modern Greek Studies


Teaching of Classical Languages