Dr. Manolis Ulbricht
This website and its subwebsites are updated until April 2022. For the current website since October 2022, please refer to the website at the University of Göttingen and for the time between May – October 2022 to the website at LMU Munich.
- GSCO Award 2017 (Society for Studying the Christian East) [Laudatio & Note of Thanks]
- Classical Islamic World Book Prize 2017 (Gorgias Press)
- Young Researcher’s Ph.D. Award 2017 of the Medievalists’ Society [Note of Thanks]
- Ernst Reuter Ph.D. Award 2016 (Freie Universität Berlin) [Note of Thanks]
- Honorary Mention in the framework of the Teaching Award 2016 (FU Berlin)
See also Audiences and Fundraising