Prof. Dr. Sofia Rüdiger

Visiting Professor
Room JK 29/202
14195 Berlin
Office hours
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Wissenschaftlicher und Beruflicher Werdegang
Seit 10/2024 |
Gastprofessur „Anglistische Sprachwissenschaft / Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft“ | Freie Universität Berlin |
Seit 10/2023 |
Projektleitung „The Discursive Construction of Eating as Entertainment: Carnivalesque Consumption in the Digital Sphere” (DFG-Sachbeihilfe, RU 2369/3-1) |
Seit 2020 |
Habilitation, Englische Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Bayreuth | „Historical Perspectives on the Speech Act of Indirect Complaint – Indirect Complaint Realization, Strategies, and Responses” |
2018-2024 |
Akademische Rätin a. Z., Englische Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Bayreuth |
2012-2018 |
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Englische Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Bayreuth |
2017 Promotion | „Characterizing the Spoken Korean English Repertoire: Morpho-Syntactic Patterns of Korean(ized) English” |
Aufenthalte als Gastwissenschaftlerin
02-03/2024 |
Digital Ethnography Research Center (DERC), RMIT, Australien |
03-04/2023 |
Language Studies Unit, Tampere University, Finnland |
02-05/2022 |
Department of Languages, University of Helsinki, Finnland |
10/2019 |
Fu Jen University, Taiwan |
02-03/2018 |
Englisches Seminar, Universität Basel, Schweiz |
- World Englishes/Varieties of English with a particular focus on Asian Englishes, English in South Korea, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)
- Pragmatics, Complaints and Complaint Responses, Historical Pragmatics, Persuasive Language, Language and Identity
- Sociolinguistics, Multilingualism, Language Contact, Code-Switching, Lexical Borrowing
- Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC), Digital Discourse Analysis
- Syntax and Morphology, Non-Canonical Syntax
- Corpus Linguistics, Spoken Language Corpora, Corpus Construction
- Language and Food, Linguistic & Digital Ethnography
[A3] Rüdiger, Sofia & Alex Baratta. 2025. Transnational Korean Englishes [Elements in World Englishes]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[A2] Dayter, Daria & Sofia Rüdiger. 2022. The Language of Pick-Up Artists: Online Discourses of the Seduction Industry. London/New York: Routledge.
[A1] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2019. Morpho-Syntactic Patterns in Spoken Korean English [Varieties of English Around the World 62]. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
[B8] Rüdiger, Sofia, Theresa Neumaier, Sven Leuckert and Sarah Buschfeld, eds. 2025. World Englishes in the 21st Century: New Perspectives and Challenges to the Dynamic Model. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
[B7] Lee, Jerry Won and Sofia Rüdiger, eds. 2025. Entangled Englishes. London/New York: Routledge.
[B6] Pfadenhauer, Katrin, Sofia Rüdiger & Valentina Serreli, eds. 2024. Global and Local Perspectives on Language Contact [Contact and Multilingualism 7]. Berlin: Language Science Press.
[B5] Rüdiger, Sofia & Claudia Lange, eds. 2023. The Language of Science Fiction. Special Issue of Linguistics Vanguard 9(3).
[B4] Rüdiger, Sofia & Susanne Mühleisen, eds. 2022. Formality and Informality in Online Performances. Special Issue of Internet Pragmatics 5(1).
[B3] Leuckert, Sven & Sofia Rüdiger, eds. 2021. Discourse Markers and World Englishes. Special Issue of World Englishes 40(4).
[B2] Rüdiger, Sofia & Daria Dayter, eds. 2020. Corpus Approaches to Social Media [Studies in Corpus Linguistics 98]. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
[B1] Rüdiger, Sofia & Susanne Mühleisen, eds. 2020. Talking About Food: The Social and the Global in Eating Communities [IMPACT: Studies in Language, Culture and Society 47]. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Journal Articles (with Peer Review)
[C11] Rüdiger, Sofia, Jakob R. E. Leimgruber & Ming-i Lydia Tseng. 2023. “English in Taiwan: Expanding the Scope of Corpus-Based Research on East Asian Englishes.” English Today 39(2): 100-109.
[C10] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2022. “Intimate Consumptions: YouTube Eating Shows and the Performance of Informality.” Internet Pragmatics 5(1): 115-142.
[C9] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2021. “Digital Food Talk: Blurring Immediacy and Distance in YouTube Eating Shows.” Anglistik 32(2): 111-130.
[C8] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2021. “The Use of Like in Korean English Speech.” World Englishes 40(4): 548-561.
[C7] Rüdiger, Sofia & Daria Dayter. 2020. “Manbragging Online: Self-Praise on Pick-Up Artists’ Forums.” Journal of Pragmatics 161: 16-27.
[C6] Leuckert, Sven & Sofia Rüdiger. 2020. “Non-Canonical Syntax in an Expanding Circle Variety: Fronting in Spoken Korean(ized) English.” English World-Wide 41(1): 33-58.
[C5] Dayter, Daria & Sofia Rüdiger. 2019. “In Other Words: ‘The Language of Attraction’ Used by Pick-Up Artists.” English Today 35(2): 13-19.
[C4] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2018. "Mixed Feelings: Attitudes towards English Loanwords and Their Use in South Korea." Open Linguistics 4(1): 184-198.
[C3] Rüdiger, Sofia & Daria Dayter. 2017. “The Ethics of Researching Unlikeable Subjects: Language in an Online Community.” Applied Linguistics Review 8(2/3): 251-269.
[C2] Dayter, Daria & Sofia Rüdiger. 2016. “Reporting from the Field: The Narrative Reconstruction of Experience in Pick-Up Artist Online Communities.” Open Linguistics 2(1): 337-351.
[C1] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2014. “The Nativization of English in the Korean Context: Uncharted Territory for World Englishes.” English Today 30(4): 11-14.
Contributions to Edited Volumes (with Peer Review)
[D8] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2023. “English in Korea—Korean English—A World Englishes Perspective.” In: Chapelle, Carol A., ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics.
[D7] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2021. “Non-Postcolonial Englishes in East Asia: Focus on Korean Popular Music.” In: Schneider, Britta & Theresa Heyd, eds. World Englishes – Volume 1: Paradigms. London: Bloomsbury. 207-223.
[D6] Dayter, Daria & Sofia Rüdiger. 2020. “Talking About Women: Elicitation, Manual Tagging, and Semantic Tagging in a Study of Pick-Up Artists’ Referential Strategies.” In: Rüdiger, Sofia & Daria Dayter, eds. Corpus Approaches to Social Media. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 63-86.
[D5] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2020. “English in South Korea: Applying the EIF Model.” In: Buschfeld, Sarah & Alexander Kautzsch, eds. Modelling World Englishes: A Joint Approach Towards Postcolonial and Non-Postcolonial Varieties. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 154-178.
[D4] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2020. “Dinner for One: The Use of Language in Eating Shows on YouTube.” In: Rüdiger, Sofia & Susanne Mühleisen, eds. Talking About Food: The Social and the Global in Eating Communities. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 145-165.
[D3] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2017. “Spoken English in Korea: An Expanding Circle English Revisited.” In: Jenks, Christopher J. & Jerry Won Lee, eds. Korean Englishes in Transnational Contexts. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 75-92.
[D2] Rüdiger, Sofia. 2016. “Cuppa Coffee? Challenges and Opportunities of Compiling a Conversational English Corpus in an Expanding Circle Setting.” In: Christ, Hanna, Daniel Klenovšak, Lukas Sönning & Valentin Werner, eds. A Blend of MaLT: Selected Contributions from the Methods and Linguistic Theories Symposium 2015. Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press. 49-71.
[D1] Dayter, Daria & Sofia Rüdiger. 2014. “Speak Your Mind, but Watch Your Mouth: Complaints in CouchSurfing References.” In: Bedijs, Kristina, Gudrun Held & Christiane Maaß, eds. Face Work and Social Media. Zürich/Berlin: LIT. 193-212.
Publications without Peer Review
[E12] Lee, Jerry Won and Sofia Rüdiger. 2025. "Introduction: Entangled Englishes." In: Jerry Won Lee and Sofia Rüdiger, eds. Entangled Englishes. London/New York: Routledge.
[E11] Rüdiger, Sofia and Daria Dayter. 2025. "Decoding Persuasion: A Linguistic Journey Through Manipulation and Influence." Fifteen Eighty Four: Academic Perspectives from Cambridge University Press. Blog post.
[E10] Leuckert, Sven, Sofia Rüdiger, Theresa Neumaier and Sarah Buschfeld. 2025. "Synopsis: The Present and Future of the Dynamic Model." In: Sofia Rüdiger, Theresa Neumaier, Sven Leuckert and Sarah Buschfeld, eds. World Englishes in the 21st Century: New Perspectives and Challenges to the Dynamic Model. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 379-388.
[E9] Neumaier, Theresa, Sven Leuckert, Sofia Rüdiger and Sarah Buschfeld. 2025. "Introduction: 20 Years of the Dynamic Model." In: Sofia Rüdiger, Theresa Neumaier, Sven Leuckert and Sarah Buschfeld, eds. World Englishes in the 21st Century: New Perspectives and Challenges to the Dynamic Model. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 3-21.
[E8] Pham, Teresa, Sven Leuckert, Gea Dreschler, Sandra Götz, Christine Günther, Kathrin Kircili, Claudia Lange, Theresa Neumaier, Louise Mycock & Sofia Rüdiger. 2024. “Defining Non-Canonicity: An Integrated Approach to Modelling Syntactic Variation.” OSF Preprint.
[E7] Pfadenhauer, Katrin, Sofia Rüdiger & Valentina Serreli. 2024. “Introduction.” In: Pfadenhauer, Katrin, Sofia Rüdiger & Valentina Serreli, eds. Global and Local Perspectives on Language Contact. Berlin: Language Science Press. iii–xi.
[E6] Rüdiger, Sofia & Claudia Lange. 2023. “Introduction to the Special Issue on ‘The Language of Science Fiction.’” Linguistics Vanguard 9(3): 229-232.
[E5] Rüdiger, Sofia & Susanne Mühleisen. 2022. “Introduction to the Special Issue: Formality and Informality in Online Performances.” Internet Pragmatics 5(1): 1-11.
[E4] Leuckert, Sven & Sofia Rüdiger. 2021. “Discourse Markers and World Englishes.” World Englishes 40(4): 482-487.
[E3] Rüdiger, Sofia & Daria Dayter. 2020. “Introduction: The Expanding Landscape of Corpus-Based Studies of Social Media Language.” In: Rüdiger, Sofia & Daria Dayter, eds. Corpus Approaches to Social Media. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 1-12.
[E2] Mühleisen, Susanne & Sofia Rüdiger. 2020. “Introduction: Food and Talk in Social Life.” In: Rüdiger, Sofia & Susanne Mühleisen, eds. Talking About Food: The Social and the Global in Eating Communities. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 1-11.
[E1] Rüdiger, Sofia & Daria Dayter. 2019. “The Language of Pick-up Artists.” Babel: The Language Magazine 27: 16-20.