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FAQs Master of Education

In principle, this is possible, but certain conditions must be met. The distribution of credit points (Leistungspunkte, LP) and content must correspond to that of the Bachelor with teaching option at Freie Universität. Therefore, 90 LP must be allocated to the core subject (1st subject), 60 LP to the module offerings (2nd subject), and 30 LP to the teaching-related professional sciences (LBW, Education, and Didactics). For students in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Primary Education, 50 LP must be allocated to the major subject, 45 LP to each study subject, 30 LP to LBW, and 10 LP to the Bachelor’s thesis.

Applications for the first semester of the Master's degree can only be made for the winter semester.

This is generally not recommended. If you choose to do so, you must adhere to the following conditions:

  • Seminar (Preparation) → FU Berlin
  • School internship → another federal state
  • Seminar (Supervision/UniTag) → must be attended weekly at FU Berlin during the placement semester.

If you can meet these conditions, please contact the responsible people in English Didactics before beginning the internship semester. Approval from the English Didactics department must be obtained beforehand.

The internship semester must categorically be completed in Berlin, provided a subject-appropriate internship place is available. An internship semester at a school in Brandenburg is not possible.

The internship semester must, according to the regulations, be completed in Berlin. However, in justified cases, the placement abroad can be completed under certain conditions, after prior approval. The internship school (usually a German school abroad) must meet all the requirements of the Berlin internship semester (duration, supervision, etc.).

An internship semester abroad can only be credited for English Didactics (partially) if it involves teaching English as a foreign language, and German is the students' first language. The placement abroad must be approved beforehand. Please contact one of the professors of English Didactics (Prof. Dr. Sambanis, Prof. Dr. Heim) in an office hour before starting your placement.

In principle, it is possible to have study achievements obtained abroad recognised for your course. However, this should be discussed with the relevant lecturers before studying abroad, as the content of the courses can be quite specific. For the subject-specific modules, the Institute of English Philology is responsible; for the didactic modules, the English Didactics department is in charge (Prof. Dr. Heim or Guest Prof. Dr. Ludwig); and for the language practical modules, the Language Center. For the meeting, please bring the original documents and simple copies of your participation and performance certificates, as well as the official course descriptions from the course catalogues and the recognition form from the Dahlem School of Education (DSE).

This is generally not recommended. If you choose to do so, you must adhere to the following conditions:

  • Seminar (preparation) → FU Berlin
  • School placement → other federal state
  • Seminar (accompaniment/UniTag) → must be attended weekly at FU Berlin during the practice semester.

If you can meet these conditions, please contact the relevant staff in English Didactics (Prof. Dr. Sambanis, Ms Fuchs, Ms Harder) before the start of the practice semester. Approval from English Didactics must be obtained in advance.

The following people are responsible for the recognition of study achievements:

Achievements of students in Master's programmes with a profile lateral entrants (Q-Master)

Current contacts for the Q-Master (see above for Q-Master information)

Subject-specific achievements

Professors of the relevant subject areas

Language practical achievements

Language Center

It is generally not possible to take Master’s level courses early in the English Didactics department. However, the 2/3 rule is not affected by this.

Students can write their Master’s thesis in either Subject Area I, Subject Area II, Subject Didactics I, Subject Didactics II, or in Educational Sciences. A Master’s thesis in English Didactics must be connected to the module “Development Research and Evaluation (EFE) Variant 2.”

Applications for the 1st semester can only be made for the winter semester. The application documents must be fully submitted between the first working day in July (usually 1 July) and 15 August of the same year to be considered for admission.

For more information, please also refer to the following entries here:

  • Ist eine Einschreibung im Sommersemester möglich? and
  • Welche Bewerbungsunterlagen sind nötig?

No, it is not possible to complete the internship semester in the subject of English in a shorter period.

For more information, please also refer to the following entries here:

  • Ich habe bereits Lehrerfahrung gesammelt, kann ich mir diese auf das Praxissemester anrechnen lassen? and
  • Was ist das Praxissemester und wie läuft es ab?

In principle, this is possible and highly recommended. However, the timing should be strategically considered due to the fixed sequence with the internship semester in the third semester. If you intend to have study content from abroad recognised, it is advisable to discuss this with the relevant English Didactics staff before your stay abroad (via a "learning agreement").

Currently, one option is to reapply for the Bachelor with teaching option (with a reversed subject combination) and shorten the programme by recognising study content from the previous Bachelor degree. Alternatively, you could check if the Q-Master (lateral entry to the Master of Education) could be a suitable option for you. You can find further information on the relevant website. Study content can only be credited by the respective disciplines:

  • English Didactics: Prof. Dr. Sambanis, Prof. Dr. Heim, Guest Prof. Dr. Ludwig
  • Subject-specific achievements: Professors from the respective subject-specific studies
  • Language practical modules: Language Center of Freie Universität Berlin

More information can be found on the pages of the Dahlem School of Education (DSE).

If your last semester at Freie Universität is a winter semester, you cannot transition to the Referendariat on 1 February. Since the winter semester lasts until the end of March, and the courses do not finish before mid-February, this is mathematically unfeasible. There will be an overlap of several weeks between studies and the Referandariat: Phase 1 must first be completed, and then Phase 2 can begin.

For legal, ethical (e.g., equality of treatment), and resource reasons, the English Didactics department complies with the regulations set by RSPO § 10, which provide deadlines for grade entries that fall within or beyond the lecture-free period. We ask you to keep this in mind when planning your further academic path. No certificates will be issued before the end of the semester/lecture period. Exceptions cannot be granted.

Every course that concludes with an exam must be documented by the examiner using an assessment sheet. You must download the relevant form from the Dahlem School of Education (DSE) website and include it with your exam submission.

Every course that concludes with an exam must be documented by the examiner in an assessment sheet. You must download the appropriate form from the DSE website and submit it with your exam performance (this means you should include your name, the course title, and the name of the lecturer).

For recognition, please consult the relevant staff in English Didactics during office hours. Bring the originals for recognition, along with simple copies of your participation and performance certificates, and the official course descriptions from the course catalogue.

According to the current study regulations, you must have completed modules worth at least 55 credits (LP) to register for the Master's thesis. Additionally, qualified first and second examiners must be available, and the topic must have been discussed with the first examiner.

Important information on application and admission (such as deadlines, contacts, and more) can be found on the DSE website here.

  • "Development Research and Evaluation (EFE) Variant 1" → Without the Master's thesis in English Didactics, i.e., the Master's thesis is written in another subject or field.
  • "Development Research and Evaluation (EFE) Variant 2" → With the Master's thesis in English Didactics

The following people are responsible for the recognition of study achievements:

English Didactics achievements in teaching degree programmes

all professors of English Didactics

Achievements of students in Master's programmes with a profile lateral entrants (Q-Master)

Current contacts for the Q-Master (see above for Q-Master information)

Subject-specific achievements

Professors of the relevant subject areas

Language practical achievements

Language Center


For credit transfer queries, students of English should contact Prof. Dr. Sambanis or Prof. Dr. Heim. Q-Master students studying English should contact the current representatives for the Q-Master (see information on the Q-Master further up this page). If the internship semester is to be completed abroad, certain conditions must be met (including English as a foreign language and a suitable target age group for the program). Completing the internship semester abroad must be approved in advance. Relevant evidence/information and the application (available in the DSE download section) must be submitted to Prof. Dr. Sambanis or Prof. Dr. Heim. Please make sure to contact one of the professors during their office hours well in advance. Q-Master students studying English should reach out to the current representatives for the Q-Master (see information on the Q-Master further up this page).

The deadline for both procedures (credit transfer and abroad) is the 15 March of the respective year.

For general questions regarding the Q-Master, please contact the project leader, Prof. Dr. Daniela Caspari.