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Graduate School

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The doctoral students can rely on an excellent infrastructure. They are part of an international and interdisciplinary network of research and teaching, and can put together a tailormade program from the Graduate School’s offers to support their project.



For doctoral students, a visit abroad is part of the curriculum. This is made possible with a travel expense budget. Doctoral students and faculty at our partner universities are welcome to do research at the school and organize events together with us.



Together with postdocs, PIs and guests at the Graduate School, the doctoral students organize up to 20 events per year: they develop the concept, send out invitations, introduce and lead the discussions. They are supported administratively by the management and the board.



Selected dissertations and conference proceedings are published in the Graduate School’s series Weltliteraturen / World Literatures – but that is not the only way our young scholars demonstrate their productivity: our literary studies blog invites everyone to comment and interact.

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Dahlem Research School
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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