Futurafrica - Narrative texts of Italian Futurism and of Francophone Afro-devenirs in Comparison
Evento online tramite WebEx di Thea Santangelo (Freie Universität Berlin) e Louis Nana (Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen).
Introduzione di: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Huss
In collaborazione con il Centro Studi Francia, il Dahlem Humanities Center e l'Università di Tubinga.
Per partecipare all'evento si prega di scrivere una mail entro il 17.12.2020 a: santangelo.thea@fu-berlin.de
The project financed by the Junior Host Program of the Dahlem Humanities Center of the Free University Berlin, is designed as a comparative study of Italian Futurism as avantgardistic movement on the one side and African-francophone imaginations of the future: ‘Afro-becoming’ (‘Afro-devenirs’) on the other side. It sets out to discuss the meaning and place of Africa in the futurist work of F. T. Marinetti and in the literary production of afro-devenirs writers. Through the comparative approach, it provides a theoretical discussion on concepts such as ‘Technology’, ‘Community’ and ‘Temporality’.