Campus guide for students
Here are the most important things in brief and in alphabetical order:
AStA - the General Student Committee takes care of various university concerns of the students. In the small villa in the Otto-von-Simson-Str. (on the otherside of the Mensa) various consultations are offered. The AStA also publishes various publications on studying as well as the popular small calendars for students every semester.Hier das Wichtigste in Kürze und in alphabetischer Reihenfolge:
Library - The library is an important contact point for all those who do not have their own private library in the basement. In the Philological Library you will find a large part of the books you need during your studies. Other libraries on campus in Dahlem are the Campus Library and the University Library. At the Staatsbibliothek at the Kulturforum on Potsdamer Platz, you can also get a library card free of charge and borrow books. The Ibero-American Institute is also of interest to students of Spanish and Portuguese. It has a rich fund of Ibero-Romance literature.
Book Bazaar - The book bazaar offers great reading pleasure for in between or interesting literature at a low price. Founded by a student initiative and managed by students, the book bazaar supports the Philological Library with its income and thus enables it to make new acquisitions.
Büchertauschforum - Das Büchertauschforum der Romanischen Philologie befindet sich auf JK 30 (neben dem Café GE-RO-MAT). Der Bücherschrank steht allen Studierenden und Mitgliedern des Instituts zur Verfügung und lädt zum Stöbern, Lesen und Tauschen ein.
Cafés - Freie Universität is one of the few universities with a good number of student cafés. There are four of them in the Rost- und Silberlaube alone: the GE-RO-MAT, the Kauderwelsch, the Pi-Café and the Sportler Café. What they all have in common is that they were founded by student initiatives and offer an alternative to the Mensa.
Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft - Das Kapitel „Neuere Fremdsprachliche Philologien“ der Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft e.V. (ERG) unterstützt studentische Initiativen und Projekte rund um das Campusleben. Die Ideen und Initiativen für Netzwerk-Aktivitäten können von allen Mitgliedern und Statusgruppen innerhalb des Kapitels ausgehen. Mitglied werden lohnt sich!
Fachschaft - Die Fachschaft der Romanischen Philologie besteht aus einer Gruppe engagierter Studierender, die sich regelmäßig in einem offenen Plenum trifft und gemeinsam Aktivitäten und Veranstaltungen plant. Alle Studierende sind herzlich eingeladen, sich der Fachschaft anzuschließen, um sich bestmöglich zu vernetzen und über das Leben und Lernen am Institut auszutauschen.
GE-RO-MAT - The Café GE-RO-MAT is the place to go for all Germanists and Romanists who need a break between their courses, want coffee or snacks, or want to meet with friends and/or unit groups.
Examination offices - The examination office of the humanities is located in JK 29/104-105 and JK 29/136-138.
Centre for Independent Language Learning - The Centre for Independent Language Learning offers space for anyone who wants to practice, test or enjoy their language skills. In addition to computers where you can test your skills, there are various foreign language newspapers and a rich selection of videos and DVDs that can be watched there on your own or with friends.
Language Center - The Language Center is where all language practice events take place.