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Doctoral Studies

All Information on Doctoral Studies as well as relevant Information can be found on the central page of the Freie Universität. For a more broad view of Doctoral Programs in Berlin, please click here.

More information on a step-by-step towards the doctorate can be found in the Dahlem Reseach School. Here is a brief summary:

Please note that German is not mandatory for writing a Dissertation at the Freie Universität Berlin

First steps:

During your doctorate:

  • Admission and Enrollment: this includes the confirmation of supervision and the submission of different documents for the application, which can be found in the Department of Philosophy and Humanities (in German)
  • Supervision and Guidance: it is recommended to make an agreement with the supervision regarding subject, time plan, members of the team and the respective obligations
  • Completing your degree: a document in the form of a monograph or a collection of articles have to be submitted to the department's graduation office, which will be reviewed by a comitee and, if approved, an appointment for the oral examination can be made.

After your doctorate

  • Dissertations already completed in our Institut can be found in our Archiv
  • The career options include Public Service, Private Sector and Enterpreneurship
  • Career Day 2023


Below are the published dissertations of our Institute!
