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M.A. in Culture and Media Management

Study programme objectives

This Master’s program equips students with knowledge resources and methods for practice-oriented cultural and media management. The program familiarises students with a number of interfaces between art, culture and media studies. Bringing together theory and practice, the program finds resonances between the questions, methods and modes of presentation offered by different fields of research, cultural institutions and the arts. The course content considers independent, interdisciplinary project development, implementation and quality assurance in various professional fields, including cultural institutions, administrations, foundations, associations, companies, media and freelance work. University research, teaching and project work productively intertwine, applying academic research and findings to professional practice.

The course of study is characterised by intensive contact and networking in arts and culture, the media, politics and NGOs, and the creative and digital industries. The Master’s programme is primarily concerned with theatrical performance and performative practices in their diverse manifestations (including drama, music theatre, dance theatre, performance, art actions, and concerts) as well as with visual and multimodal modes of perception and action (including visual culture, film and audiovisual media), both from a historical-theoretical perspective and with a view to current socio-economic implications. Special emphasis is placed on the hybrid interconnections of visual and performative cultures in the global present.

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Curriculum – Modules – Application & Admission

The structure and sequence of studies are governed by the Degree program and Examination Regulations. They contain detailed descriptions of the contents and qualification goals of each individual module and an exemplary study plan. The examination regulations define the type and requirements of the module examinations and the Master's examination. The regulations specify the credit points (LP) for each module or course as well as the workload in time hours for the entire study program.

The master's thesis is intended to demonstrate that students are able to independently work on and present a research problem using scientific methods. Upon successful completion of the study program, the university degree Master of Arts (M.A.) is awarded.

The program is organized in seven modules:

  • Visual Culture and Performative Arts I
  • Cultural Economics and Management
  • Cultural Policy and Law
  • Media and Media Competence
  • Visual Culture and Performing Arts II
  • Knowledge transfer and practical projects
  • Creative and Collective Science

General information on modules and credit points (LP)

The application and admission process is organized centrally by Freie Universität Berlin. All information can be found here: Application and Admission

Students do not have to pay attendance fees, but general semester fees and contributions.

For admission to the Master's program, proof of a professionally qualifying German or equivalent foreign university degree is required in Theater Studies, Film Studies, Dance Studies, Art Studies, Art History, Visual Cultures, Museum Studies, Exhibition Studies, Comparative Literature, Modern Philologies (with a focus on Literary Studies), Cultural Studies (including combinations with Cultural and Media Studies), or Gender Studies. Alternatively, a university degree with a 60-credit module or minor in one of the aforementioned fields is also acceptable.

The M.A. in Culture and Media Management is a limited admission program.

Applicants whose native language is not German and who have obtained their degree at a foreign university or equivalent institution must provide proof of the language skills required for the degree program or of an equivalent level of proficiency in accordance with the Regulations for the German Language Examination for the Admission of Foreign Applicants to Universities at Freie Universität Berlin.

Further information can be found in the Admission Regulations for the master's program in Culture and Media Management.