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Doctoral Studies

At the Institute for Theater Studies, you can earn a Ph.D. in Theater Studies, Critical Dance Studies, and Film Studies.

If you want to pursue a doctoral degree, please personally contact a professor in the discipline in which you want to pursue the Ph.D. with an exposé of your dissertation project. It may also be possible to earn a Ph.D. in the context of ongoing research projects.

Dahlem Research School

The Dahlem Research School (DRS) is the strategic center for junior and early-career researchers and is supported as part of the Future Development Concept of Freie Universität Berlin.

Dissertation Scholarships and Funding Opportunities

You can find an overview of scholarship and funding opportunities for doctoral students here:

Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft e.V.

The Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft e.V. is the society of the friends, supporters, and alumni of Freie Universität Berlin.
Every year, ERG e.V. awards a prize for excellent and forward-looking dissertations. The Gesellschaft also grants printing subsidies for dissertations and publications.