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Outgoing: List of Partner Universities

The language of instruction at the host university is listed first. The host university offers a limited number of courses, which can also include courses without a focus on theater or dance studies, in the language listed second:

Belgium: Antwerpen
Universiteit Antwerpen (University of Antwerp) - 
Faculty of Arts
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 3 places x 5 months
Language/s: 1. Dutch / 2. English

Belgium: Gent
Universiteit Gent (Ghent University) - Studies in Performing Arts & Media
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 2 places x 5 months
Language/s: 1. Dutch / 2. English

Denmark: Aarhus
Åarhus Universitet (Aarhus University) - Faculty of Arts
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 2 places x 10 months
Language/s: 1. Danish / 2. English  

Denmark: Kopenhavn
Københavns Universitet (University of Copenhagen) - Department of Arts and Cultural Studies
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 3 places x 10 months
Language/s: 1. Danish / 2. English 

France: Paris
Université de Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 2 places x 10 months
Language/s: 1. French

France: Paris
Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis
 - UFR Arts, Philosophie, Esthétique
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 3 places x 10 months
Language/s: 1. French

Greece: Athens
Ethniko Kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) - 
Faculty of Theatre Studies
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 1 place x 10 months
Language/s: 1. Greek / 2. English (very limited) 

Irland: Dublin
Trinity College Dublin - School of Creative Arts
Degree Program: B.A.,Admission: 1 place x 10 months
Language/s 1. English  
Note: Only for 2 semesters possible

Netherlands: Amsterdam
Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) (University of Amsterdam)
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 4 places x 5 months
Language/s: 1. Dutch / 2. English 

Netherlands: Groningen
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (University of Groningen)
Degree Program: B.A., Admission: 3 places x 5 months
Language/s: 1. Dutch / 2. English  

Austria: Vienna
Universität Wien - Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 1 place x 5 months
Language/s: 1. German

Austria: Salisbury
Universität Salzburg
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 2 places x 10 months
Language/s: 1. German

Poland: Krakow
Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Jagiellonian University) - Faculty of Polish Studies
Degree Program: B.A., Admission: 1 place x 10 months
Language/s: 1. Polish / 2. English

Poland: Warszaw
Uniwersytet Warszawski (University of Warsaw) - Institute of Polish Culture
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 1 place x 10 months
Language/s: 1. Polish

Switzerland: Bern
Universität Bern - 
Institut für Theaterwissenschaft
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 1 place x 10 months
Language/s: 1. Germn

Sweden: Stockholm
Stockholms universitet (Stockholm University) - 
Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 2 places x 5 months
Language/s: 1. Swedish / 2. English 

Slovakia: Bratislava
Vysoká škola múzických umení v Bratislave (VŠMU) (The Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava)
Degree Program: B.A., Plätze: Admission: 1 place x 5 months
Language/s: 1. Slovakian / 2. English  
Hinweis: Nachweis künstlerischer Eignung notwendig 

Slovenia: Ljubljana
Univerza v Ljubljani (UL) (University of Ljubljana) - 
Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television
Degree Program: B.A., Admission: 1 place x 10 months
Language/s: 1. Slovenian / 2. English  

Czech Republik: Prague
Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Charles University in Prague) - 
Faculty of Arts
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 1 place x 5 months
Language/s: 1. English / 2. Czech

Turkey: Istanbul
Istanbul Universitesi (Istanbul University) - 
Faculty of Letters
Degree Program: B.A. + M.A., Admission: 2 place x 5 months
Language/s: 1. Turkish

Effective November 14, 2022 (information subject to change)

France: Paris
Université de Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle
Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1-2 semester
Courses in English: no

France: Paris
Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis
 - UFR Arts, Philosophie, Esthétique
Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1-2 semester
Courses in English: no

France: Rennes
Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne
Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1-2 semester
Courses in English: no

Italy: Bologna
Università di Bologna (University of Bologna)
Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1-2 semester
Courses in English: no

Italy: Milan
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1-2 semester
Courses in English: no

Italy: Udine
Università degli studi di Udine (University of Udine)
Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1-2 semester
Courses in English: no

Netherlands: Amsterdam
Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) (University of Amsterdam)
Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1-2 semester
Courses in English: no 

Netherlands: Groningen
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (University of Groningen)
Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1-2 semester
Courses in English: yes

Netherlands: Utrecht
Universiteit Utrecht (University of Utrecht) 
Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1-2 semester
Courses in English: yes

Austria: Wien
Universität Wien

Degree program: B.A. + M.A., PhD, 1-2 semester
Courses in English: no

Switzerland: Lausanne
Université de Lausanne (University of Lausanne) - Section d'histoire et esthétique du cinéma

Degree program: B.A. + M.A., PhD, 1-2 semester
Courses in English: no

Switzerland: Zürich
Universität Zürich

Degree program: B.A. + M.A., PhD, 1-2 semester
Courses in English: no

Spain: Barcelona
Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona

Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1 semester
Courses in English: no

Spain: Madrid
University of Alcalá Madrid
Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1 semester
Courses in English: no

Czech Republik: Prag
Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Charles University in Prague) - Film Studies Department

Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1 semesterr
Courses in English: yes

Turkey: Istanbul
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi (Istanbul Bilgi University)

Degree program: B.A. + M.A., 1 semester
Courses in English: yes

Effective December 02, 2021 (information subject to change)