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To Bloom () Florecimiento: Closing Event of the Valeska Gert Visiting Professorship of Amanda Piña

Jul 19, 2024 | 07:00 PM

In her current artistic research, Amanda Piña delves into the reappearance of oceanic movements, exploring water as a fluid being and the ocean as a realm of ancestral knowledge. Her work illuminates two key facets: She examines first nations and Afro-diasporic expressions of embodied knowledge, encoded in dance and sound, which thrived in Abya Yala*  transcending ethnic boundaries to be embraced also by non indigenous and non African descendants in regions like Mexico, Cuba, Haiti and Brazil. Secondly, her research explores oceanic movements on a broader scale, encompassing the motions of ancient animal species—such as sponges, cnidarians, mollusks, and echinoderms—as well as the historical and contemporary movements of ocean currents, diasporas, and migrations. The ocean is depicted as a nexus of origins, transit, and demise, yet also as a vibrant ecosystem crucial for the sustenance of life on Earth

*One of the native names of the American continent today used to advance the decolonisation of the land looking to its history beyond settler colonialism

*Abya Yala, one of the indigenous name for the American Continent

Michel Jimenez / Estudio Fortuna

Michel Jimenez / Estudio Fortuna

Time & Location

Jul 19, 2024 | 07:00 PM

Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg. Halle 3
Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

Further Information

Dr. Lindsey Drury
Postdoc, Critical Dance Studies
