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Friederike Hartge

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Critical Dance Studies

Grunewaldstr. 35
12165 Berlin

Friederike Hartge has a Bachelor's degree in History and German Philology from the Freie Universität Berlin. Since then, she has been studying for a Master's degree in Critical Dance Studies and is also taking courses in the Bachelor's degree programme in Theatre Studies and Business Administration. As part of her master's programme, she deals with canon issues, the decolonial reading of classical ballets of the 19th century and the documentation and notation of dance.    

Since 2023 she has been working as a student assistant for Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kirsten Maar in  Critical Dance Studies and for Dr. Mariama Diagne in the Collaborative Research Centre 1512 Intervening Arts in the subproject B02 Intervening Choreographies: Formats and Practices of Decolonization and Ecology at Freie Universität Berlin.  

She created the first production documentation of a dance piece on Bovary by Christian Spuck for the Akademie der Künste archive. She has been involved in various functions for the Staatsballett Berlin for several years and has regularly given introductions there since the 2023/2024 season.