Deutsch-Türkisches Mediencolloquium 25.05.2013
News vom 13.05.2013
Social Media: A Challenge for Political Communication, an Opportunity for Critical Opinions?
Date: Saturday, May 25th 2013
This year´s German-Turkish media colloquium is the follow-up event to the first media colloquium which took place in Istanbul in January 2011. Once again, renowned media representatives from both Germany and Turkey will discuss pressing media topics. Since the first colloquium focused on the discussion of current trends and changes in the Turkish and German media landscape, this year´s colloquium will address the interrelated topics of social media, political communication and censorship and ethics. Digitization and the advent of social media challenge the gatekeeper function of traditional media and simultaneously offer new instruments to make critical voices heard. How do German and Turkish professionals deal with the challenges and what opportunities do they see? The colloquium revolves around this question among others and seeks to give new insights by discussing the role of social media in the context of agenda setting, political communication and censorship.