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Dr. Simon Schleusener


Freie Universität Berlin

Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien

Das Philologische Laboratorium


Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin



PhD (Dr. Phil.) in American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. Dissertation title: “Kulturelle Komplexität: Gilles Deleuze und die Kulturtheorie der American Studies”. Advised by Prof. Dr. Winfried Fluck (Freie Universität Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Hanjo Berressem (Universität zu Köln). Grade: summa cum laude.


M.A. (“Magister Artium”) in North American Studies. Title of the thesis: “Whitman, Miller, Kerouac: Spielarten eines amerikanischen Vitalismus”. Grade: 1.0 (excellent).



Undergraduate and Graduate Studies at Freie Universität Berlin (North American Studies, History, and German Literature).

Akademische Laufbahn


Postdoctoral Researcher at the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies (Freie Universität Berlin, Project: “Das philologische Laboratorium. Neue Modelle des Umgangs mit Kunst jenseits der Kritik”).  




Research Associate (“Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter”) at the Collaborative Research Centre 1285: “Invectivity. Constellations and Dynamics of Disparagement”, TU Dresden (Project K: Theatre and Media Studies).



Lecturer at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (American Studies Department).



Lecturer at the John F. Kennedy Institute (Department of Culture, Freie Universität Berlin).



Research Associate (“Angestellter im wissenschaftlichen Dienst”) at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, American Studies Department (hiatus from 04/2016-09/2016).



Postdoctoral Researcher at the Graduate School of North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin.



Research Associate (“Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter”) at the Culture Department of the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin.



Doctoral student fellowship (NaFöG).

Lehrveranstaltungen an der Freien Universität Berlin

“Climate Imaginaries: Cultural Perspectives on Ecological Crisis” (WS 2024/25; upcoming)

“Stichwörter für die kritische Praxis” (with Michel Chaouli, Jan Lietz, and Jutta Müller-Tamm, SS 2022)

“Transformationen der Kritik” (with Michel Chaouli, SS 2021)

“Der Streit um die Kritik” (with Michel Chaouli, SS 2019)

“Genealogie der Kritik” (with Michel Chaouli, SS 2018)

“Cultural Formations of American Capitalism” (WS 2016/17)

“Neoliberal Culture” (SS 2015)

“Social Photography” (SS 2013)

“BA-Colloquium Kultur/Literatur” (WS 2012/13)

“Europäische Amerikabilder” (SS 2012)

“Der amerikanische Western” (SS 2012)

“Literature and Culture of the Beat Generation” (with Tomasz Stompor, WS 2011/12)

“Kultur des amerikanischen Kapitalismus” (SS 2011)

“Temporale Fotografie” (SS 2011)

“Inszenierte Fotografie” (WS 2010/11)

“Amerikanische Mythen” (WS 2010/11)

“Kulturgeschichte der amerikanischen Fotografie” (WS 2009/10)

“Kulturelle Zoologie: Das Tier in der amerikanischen Kultur” (WS 2009/10)

“Ästhetik der Spontaneität: Kunst, Literatur und Populärkultur in der amerikanischen Nachkriegsära” (SS 2009)

“Mobilität in der amerikanischen Kultur” (SS 2009)

“Key Concepts of American Culture” (substitute for Johannes Völz, WS 2008/09)

“The Literature of Slavery and Abolition” (substitute for Johannes Völz, WS 2008/09)

“Posthumanismus im amerikanischen Film” (SS 2008)

“Wahnsinn und Normalität in der amerikanischen Kulturgeschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts” (SS 2008)

“Herman Melville und die Kulturtheorie der American Studies” (SS 2008)

“Herman Melville” (WS 2007/08)

"Der europäische Amerikadiskurs im 20. Jahrhundert” (WS 2007/08)

“Examensworkshop I: Literatur, Kultur, Sprache” (SS 2007)

“Culture of Spontaneity” (SS 2006)

“Ästhetik – Kultur – Macht: Ästhetische Theorie und amerikanische Kultur im 20. Jahrhundert” (SS 2005)

Lehrveranstaltungen an der Universität Würzburg

“What Was Postmodernism?” (SS 2017)

“The Animal in American Literature” (WS 2015/16)

“The Beat Generation” (WS 2015/16)

“American Literature and the Culture of Capitalism” (WS 2015/16)

Aktuelles Projekt

“The Neoliberal Condition: Literature, Popular Culture, and Theory in the Era of the New Capitalism”

Wissenschaftliches Netzwerk

Mitglied im DFG-Netzwerk "Model Aesthetics: Between Literary and Economic Knowledge". 



  • History of American Literature
  • Visual Culture, Popular Culture, Media Studies
  • Cultural Theory and Theories of American Studies
  • American Capitalism and the Neoliberal Imagination
  • Affect Theory and the New Materialism
  • Ecology and the Anthropocene
  • Populism and the New Right
  • Concept and Practice of Critique

Konferenzbeiträge und Vorträge

“Models of Temporality: Popular Culture and the Neoliberal Condition” (July 2024, International Conference: Model Imaginaries: Literature, Economics, Abstraction, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Abstract Soundscapes: Experimental Hip-Hop and the Aesthetics of Real Abstraction” (May 2024, 70. Jahrestagung der DGfA: American Soundscapes, Universität Oldenburg).

“Trauma-Plot und kinematografische Temporalität: Vom Bewegungs-Bild zum Zeit-Bild” (June 2023, Masterseminar: Trauma-Plot, LMU München).

“Cinemas of Insanity: Popular Culture and the Precarization of Care” (June 2023, Annual Conference of the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies, University of Oslo).

“Slavery, Property, and the Gothic Imagination: A Reading of The Bondwoman's Narrative” (June 2023, 69. Jahrestagung der DGfA: America and Ownership: Territory, Slavery, Jubilee, Universität Rostock).

“The Neoliberal Condition: Literature, Popular Culture, and Theory in the Era of the New Capitalism” (May 2023, Abteilungskolloquium Kultur, JFKI, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Models of Temporality: Neoliberalism, Cinema, and Complex Television” (October 2022, Workshop: Models, Forms, and Genres, University of Bonn).

“A Politics of Things? Postcritique and the Posthuman Turn” (July 2022, Workshop: Cultural Studies and the Nonhuman Turn, TU Dresden).

“Kritik und Spekulation: Perspektiven der Gegenwartsliteratur” (November 2021, Stimmen der Kritik #4: Literary Event with Joshua Groß, Charlotte Krafft, and Rudi Nuss, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin).

“Deleuze and Social Totality” (July 2021, 13th International Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference: Territorialities, Exterritorialities, Non-Territorialities, Prague; Online Event).

“Literatur, Zeitlichkeit und Ökologie” (February 2021, Stimmen der Kritik #3: Literary Event with Karl Wolfgang Flender, Judith Schalansky, and Anja Utler, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin).

“Dividual Desire: Surveillance and Participation in The Circle” (November 2019, American Literary and Cultural Studies Colloquium, University of Mannheim).

“You’re Fired! Popular Culture and Right-Wing Class Politics” (June 2019, 66. Jahrestagung der DGfA: U.S.-American Culture as Popular Culture. Workshop Rightwing POPulism: Remapping Popular Culture in the Age of Trump and the Alt-Right, Hamburg).

“Einführung: Stimmen der Kritik” (December 2018, Literary Event with Hannes Bajohr, Mara Genschel, and Daniel Falb, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin).

“Das Philologische Laboratorium” (with Jan Lietz; November 2018, FSGS-Mittagsforum, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Nach der Zukunft: Zeitlichkeit in Cormac McCarthys The Road” (November 2018, FSGS-Jahrestagung: Vielleicht. Formen literarischer Eventualität, ICI Berlin).

“The Machine Is the Garden: Concepts of Ecology and Nature in the Anthropocene” (September 2018, 8th Biennial EASLCE Conference: The Garden: Ecological Paradigms of Space, History, and Community, Würzburg).

“Das Außerhalb des Textes: Literaturtheorie nach Derrida und Deleuze” (June 2018, Workshop: Philologie und Kritik, FSGS, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Affektive Dissonanz” (April 2018, Tagung: Affekt/ion: Ein interdisziplinärer Workshop zu Affekt und Invektivität, TU Dresden).

“The Neoliberal Imagination: American Literature and Popular Culture in the Era of the New Capitalism” (December 2017, Abteilungskolloquium Kultur, GSNAS, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Politik des neuen Materialismus” (October 2017, Workshop: Realitätswütig II zur neuen/alten Emphase des Realismus in der Kunst, TU Dresden). 

“Ruin Aesthetics: Urban Decay and the Practice of Rephotography” (June 2017, 12th Biennial ASLE Conference: Rust/Resistance: Works of Recovery. Workshop: Ruins II, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI).

“Post-Truth Politics: The New Right and the Postmodern Legacy” (June 2017, 64. Jahrestagung der DGfA: Modernities and Modernization in North America. Workshop: Postmodernity and the Concept of Post-Fact Society, Hannover).

“Political Disconnects: Donald Trump, the Cultural Left, and the Crisis of Neoliberalism” (May 2017, 10th GSNAS Graduate Conference: The Revolution Will Not Be Peer-Reviewed: American Disconnects and the Production of Knowledge, Freie Universität Berlin).

“The Cinema of Insanity: Madness and Normality in the Culture of the 1960s” (January 2017, Public Lecture Series: Making America, University of Bamberg).

“The Crisis of Neoliberalism: Donald Trump, the Brexit, and the Failure of the Cultural Left” (January 2017, Workshop: Cultural Studies and the Challenge of the New Right, Leipzig).

“The Neoliberal Imagination: Entrepreneurship in American Literature and Film” (November 2016, American Studies Research Colloquium, University of Göttingen).

“Deleuze and Neoliberalism” (July 2016, 9th International Deleuze Studies Conference: Virtuality, Becoming and Life, Rome).

“From On the Road to The Road: Cormac McCarthy, Neoliberalism, and the Dialectics of Mobility” (July 2016, Conference: Crossroads and Transgressions: Cormac McCarthy Between Worlds, John-F.-Kennedy-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin).

“What’s New about the New Materialism? The Material Turn and the Post-Political” (June 2016, Conference: Encountering Materiality, Geneva).

“The Nomos of the Sea: Territory and Sovereignty in Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick” (May 2016, 63. Jahrestagung der DGfA: The United States and the Question of Rights. Workshop Rethinking Territory: Territorial Rights and Water, Osnabrück).

“The Culture of the Economy: Theoretical Perspectives on American Capitalism” (December 2015, Lecture Series English-Speaking Cultures, University of Würzburg).

“The Modulation of Affects: Media Assemblages, Subjectivity, and the Culture of Neoliberalism” (July 2015, Interdisciplinary Forum at the Graduate School of North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Knowledge Production, the Material Turn, and American Political Discourse” (May 2015, 62. Jahrestagung der DGfA: Knowledge Landscapes North America. Workshop From Metaphor to Matter: The New Materialism in American Knowledge Production, Bonn).

“Affects and Ideology: Ayn Rand’s Neoliberal Aesthetics” (February 2015, Conference Neoliberalism and American Literature, Dublin).

“A Politics of Things? Deleuze and the New Materialism” (July 2014, 7th International Deleuze Studies Conference: Models, Machines and Memories, Istanbul).

“Poetics of the Market: Capitalism, Culture, and the Politics of Affect” (July 2014, Interdisciplinary Forum at the Graduate School of North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Posthumanist Politics: Ethics and Ontology in the Philosophy of the New Materialism” (June 2014, 61. Jahrestagung der DGfA: America after Nature: Democracy, Culture, Environment. Workshop Posthumanist Interfaces of the Networked Self, Würzburg).

“Theatricality, Surveillance, and the Politics of Trust” (May 2014, Conference of the Graduate School of North American Studies: Trust Issues: Community, Contingency, and Security in North America, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Theatricality and Control: Self-Representation, Surveillance, and Privacy in the Age of Control Societies” (May 2014, 2nd International Graduate Conference in English and American Studies: Interventions: Private Voices and Public Spaces, University of Coimbra).

“Re-Mapping the Frontier: Deleuze, Becoming-Indian, and the American Western” (July 2013, Sixth international Deleuze Studies Conference, Lisbon).

“From ‘Ethical’ to ‘Cool’ Capitalism: Ayn Rand, The Social Network, and the Aesthetics of Neoliberalism” (May 2013, Conference of the Graduate School of North American Studies: Claiming Space: Reconfigurations in Times of Crisis, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Psychiatry, Madness, and Normality in the Culture of the 1960s” (January 2013, Lecture Series The SixtiesAmerica’s Longest Decade, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Power, Crisis, and Desire: A Deleuzian Reading of Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick” (June 2011, Deleuze Studies Conference: Creation Crisis Critique, Copenhagen Business School).

“Body Politics: FDR, Obama, and the Neoliberalization of Corporeality” (May 2011, Conference of the Graduate School of North American Studies: American Bodies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Modes of Power, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Sovereignty at Sea: Power and Affect in Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick” (June 2010, Conference of the Graduate School of North American Studies:States of Emergency – Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Dynamics of Crisis, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Capturing Change: Movement and Time in American Photography” (August 2009, Conference CONNECTdeleuze: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Universität zu Köln).

“Processuality and Modern Culture: Can the Photographic Image Capture Change?” (July 2009, Conference of the Graduate School of North American Studies: The Continuity of Change: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on North America, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Kino des Körpers: Wahnsinn und Normalität in John Cassavetes’ A Woman Under the Influence” (February 2009, Deutsch-Amerikanisches-Zentrum, Stuttgart).

“Wahnsinn und Normalität in John Cassavetes’ Eine Frau unter Einfluß” (September 2008, Filmmuseum Potsdam).

“Movement, Time, Modernity: On the Ontology of the Photographic Image” (February 2008, Libreria Utopia, Mailand).

“Fluchtlinien der Literatur: Jack Kerouacs On the Road und die amerikanische Beat Generation” (November 2007, Deutsch-Amerikanisches-Zentrum, Stuttgart).

“Deleuze und Film: Politik des kinematographischen Bildes” (February 2007, John-F.-Kennedy-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin).

“Whitman, Miller, Kerouac: Spielarten eines amerikanischen Vitalismus” (May 2003, Forschungscolloquium der Abteilung Literatur und Kultur, John-F.-Kennedy-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin).


Kulturelle Komplexität: Gilles Deleuze und die Kulturtheorie der American Studies. Bielefeld: transcript (2015). https://doi.org/10.1515/9783839429891

Review by Bernd Herzogenrath (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main): Amerikastudien/American Studies 64.3 (2019): 461-63. https://amst.winter-verlag.de/article/amst/2019/3/11/display/html

Whitman, Miller, Kerouac: Spielarten eines amerikanischen Vitalismus. Berliner Beiträge zur Amerikanistik (Band 13). Berlin: John F. Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien, Freie Universität Berlin (2005).


Stichwörter für die kritische Praxis (ed. with Michel Chaouli, Jan Lietz, and Jutta Müller-Tamm). Zürich: Diaphanes (2023). https://www.diaphanes.net/titel/stichwoerter-fuer-die-kritische-praxis-7665 

Deleuze and the Material Turn. Special Issue. Deleuze and Guattari Studies 15.4 (2021). https://www.euppublishing.com/toc/dlgs/15/4 

Poetic Critique: Encounters with Art and Literature (ed. with Michel Chaouli, Jan Lietz, and Jutta Müller-Tamm). Berlin: De Gruyter (2021). https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110688719

Control Societies II: Philosophy, Politics, Economy (ed. with Florian Cord). Special Issue. Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power 6 (2020). https://coilsoftheserpent.org/category/issue-6-2020/ 

Control Societies I: Media, Culture, Technology (ed. with Florian Cord). Special Issue. Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power 5 (2020). https://coilsoftheserpent.org/category/issue-5-2020/


Aufsätze und Buchbeiträge

“Re-Mapping the Frontier: Deleuze and the American Western”. Catarina Pombo Nabais (Ed.). The Territory In-Between. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP (forthcoming).

“Kraft”. Michel Chaouli, Jan Lietz, Jutta Müller-Tamm, Simon Schleusener (Eds.). Stichwörter für die kritische Praxis. Zürich: Diaphanes (2023). 141-161. https://www.diaphanes.net/titel/kraft-7847 

“Einleitung” (with Michel Chaouli, Jan Lietz, and Jutta Müller-Tamm). Michel Chaouli et al. (Eds.). Stichwörter für die kritische Praxis. Zürich: Diaphanes (2023). 7-10. https://www.diaphanes.net/titel/einleitung-7836 

“Spielarten der Kritik. Der Text und sein Außen”. WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 20, Heft 2 (2023): 23-48. https://doi.org/10.5771/1860-2177-2023-2-23

“Trump als Symptom: Populistische Schockpolitik und die Krise der Demokratie”. Lars Koch, Tobias Nanz, Christina Rogers (Eds.). The Great Disruptor: Über Trump, die Medien und die Politik der Herabsetzung. 2. Auflage. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler (2023). 57-81. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66308-0_3 

“Bilder der Herabsetzung: Ästhetik und Politik der Social Photography”. Elisabeth Heyne & Tanja Prokić (Eds.). Invective Gaze – Das digitale Bild und die Kultur der Beschämung. Bielefeld: transcript (2022). 57-92. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783839457498-003

“A Politics of Things? Deleuze and the New Materialism”. Deleuze and Guattari Studies 15.4. Special Issue: Deleuze and the Material Turn (2021): 523-542. https://www.euppublishing.com/doi/full/10.3366/dlgs.2021.0456 

“Introduction: Deleuze and Materialism”. Deleuze and Guattari Studies 15.4. Special Issue: Deleuze and the Material Turn (2021): 471-476. https://doi.org/10.3366/dlgs.2021.0453

“Globale Dissonanz: The Flight Attendant und das serielle Imaginäre” (with Tanja Prokić). Pop: Kultur und Kritik, Heft 19 (2021): 86-92. https://doi.org/10.14361/pop-2021-100214 

“Surface, Distance, Depth: The Text and its Outside”. Michel Chaouli, Jan Lietz, Jutta Müller-Tamm, Simon Schleusener (Eds.). Poetic Critique: Encounters with Art and Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter (2021). 175-201. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110688719-013

“What Is Poetic Critique?” (with Michel Chaouli, Jan Lietz, and Jutta Müller-Tamm). Michel Chaouli et al. (Eds.). Poetic Critique: Encounters with Art and Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter (2021). 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110688719-001

“Again and Again and Again”. Amerikastudien / American Studies 66.1 (2021): 127-31. https://doi.org/10.33675/AMST/2021/1/22

“Deleuze and Neoliberalism”. Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power 6. Special Issue: Control Societies II: Philosophy, Politics, Economy (2020): 39-54. https://coilsoftheserpent.org/2020/11/deleuze-and-neoliberalism/ 

“Looking Backward at the Present, 2020–1990: Deleuze’s 'Postscript on Control Societies'” (with Florian Cord). Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power 6. Special Issue: Control Societies II: Philosophy, Politics, Economy (2020): 1-6. https://coilsoftheserpent.org/2020/11/looking-backward-at-the-present-2020-1990/ 

“Navigating the Coils of the Serpent” (with Florian Cord). Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power 5. Special Issue: Control Societies I: Media, Culture, Technology (2020): 1-13. https://coilsoftheserpent.org/2020/07/navigating-the-coils-of-the-serpent/ 

“You're Fired! Retrotopian Desire and Right-Wing Class Politics”. Gabriele Dietze and Julia Roth (Eds.). Right-Wing Populism and Gender: European Perspectives and Beyond. Bielefeld: transcript (2020). 185-206. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783839449806-011

“Trump als Symptom: Populistische Schockpolitik und die Krise der Demokratie”. Lars Koch, Tobias Nanz, Christina Rogers (Eds.). The Great Disruptor: Über Trump, die Medien und die Politik der Herabsetzung. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler (2020). 47-70. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-476-04976-6_3

“The Machine Is the Garden – Concepts Of Ecology And Nature In The Anthropocene”. The New Polis (2019)https://thenewpolis.com/2019/10/08/the-machine-is-the-garden-concepts-of-ecology-and-nature-in-the-anthropocene/ 

“The Surveillance Nexus: Digital Culture and the Society of Control”. REAL: Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature. Volume 34: Democratic Cultures and Populist Imaginaries (ed. by Donald E. Pease). Tübingen: Narr Verlag (2019): 175-201.

“Post-Truth Politics: The New Right and the Postmodern Legacy”. Ilka Brasch and Ruth Mayer (Eds.). Modernities and Modernization in North America. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter (2018). 353-370.

“Political Disconnects: Donald Trump, the Cultural Left, and the Crisis of Neoliberalism”. Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power 2 (2018): 20-34. https://coilsoftheserpent.org/2018/04/political-disconnects/ 

“The Dialectics of Mobility: Capitalism and Apocalypse in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road”. European Journal of American Studies, 12.3 (2017). Special Issue: Cormac McCarthy Between Worlds: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.4000/ejas.12296

“’What Affects are you Capable of?’ On Deleuze and Somaesthetics” (with Wojciech Małecki). Simone Bignall, Sean Bowden, and Paul Patton (Eds.). Deleuze and Pragmatism. London and New York: Routledge (2015). 216-234. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781315764870-15/affects-capable-deleuze-somaesthetics-wojciech-ma%C5%82ecki-simon-schleusener 

“Neoliberal Affects: The Cultural Logic of Cool Capitalism”. REAL: Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature. Volume 30: Towards a Post-Exceptionalist American Studies (ed. by Winfried Fluck and Donald E. Pease). Tübingen: Narr Verlag (2014): 307-326.

“The Cinema of Insanity: Psychiatry, Popular Culture, and the Flexibilization of Normality”. Laura Bieger and Christian Lammert (Eds.). Revisiting the Sixties: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on America's Longest Decade. Frankfurt/M.: Campus (2013). 237-260.

“Sovereignty at Sea: Moby Dick and the Politics of Desire”. REAL: Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature. Volume 27: States of Emergency – States of Crisis (ed. by Winfried Fluck, Katharina Motyl, Donald E. Pease, and Christoph Raetzsch). Tübingen: Narr Verlag (2011): 121-142.

“’The Ward is a Factory’: Macht und Normalisierung in Ken Keseys One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. Amerikastudien/American Studies, 51.4 (2006): 539-566. https://www.jstor.org/stable/41158262 

“Deleuze und die American Studies”. Amerikastudien/American Studies, 49.2 (2004): 219-240. https://www.jstor.org/stable/41157931 



“Bernd Herzogenrath: An American Body|Politic – A Deleuzian Approach” (Review). Amerikastudien/American Studies, 57.3 (2012): 495-497. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23509551 

“Paul Celan – Ilana Shmueli: Briefwechsel” (Review). Zeitschrift für Germanistik. Neue Folge, Heft 2 (2005): 453-454. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23978281 


“Tiefenzeit und Akzeleration. Gespräch mit dem Lyriker und Anthropozäntheoretiker Daniel Falb”. Johannes Pause & Tanja Prokic (Eds.). Zeiten der Natur. Konzeptionen der Tiefenzeit in der literarischen Moderne. (LiLi: Studien zu Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, Band 5.) Stuttgart: Metzler (2023). 155-166. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-67588-5_10


Avanessian, Armen, and Anke Hennig. “Time-Complex Anxiety”. Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power 6. Special Issue: Control Societies II: Philosophy, Politics, Economy (2020): 129-137 [trans. from German with Florian Cord]. https://coilsoftheserpent.org/2020/11/time-complex-anxiety/ 

Raunig, Gerald. “Cipher and Dividuality”. Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power 5. Special Issue: Control Societies I: Media, Culture, Technology (2020): 175-181 [trans. from German with Florian Cord]. https://coilsoftheserpent.org/2020/07/cipher-and-dividuality/ 

Rölli, Marc. “Power Regimes of Control – Remarks on their Neoliberal Context”. Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power 6. Special Issue: Control Societies II: Philosophy, Politics, Economy (2020): 33-38 [trans. from German with Florian Cord]. https://coilsoftheserpent.org/2020/11/power-regimes-of-control/ 

Vogl, Joseph. “The Financial Regime”. Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power 6. Special Issue: Control Societies II: Philosophy, Politics, Economy (2020): 55-60 [trans. from German with Florian Cord]. https://coilsoftheserpent.org/2020/11/the-financial-regime/   

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